I have been following netroots for some time. But I wondered how someone like me, a busy mom, can participate. I don't have time to volunteer at campaigns because I can hardly juggle volunteering at my kid's school. I decided to start by doing my homework by choosing which Presidential candidate I would support.
I researched the candidates positions and made my choice. I felt John Edwards had comprehensive plans, leadership skills and a devotion to public service that set him above the other candidates. But what next?
So I decided to speak up, and was lucky to find some others who felt the same way. Just around the same time, we happened to have the honor of meeting with Elizabeth Edwards.
She is someone who is a role model for speaking up. During our meeting she said something that inspired me further (from our liveblogging):
"You can't just say he (John Edwards) has the vision, it means using your email list and getting involved. You can not sit on your hands and expect change to happen. This is your chance NOW to change the dynamic. Now before the primaries."
And by speaking up, I had more discussions with others on their choice. Some say they also believe John Edwards is the best candidate for President, but worry because "He is not a front runner". So I say, "Ya mean you choose your candidate for President because of what you hear others say is a front runner? Not for who is the best candidate? Do you have an opinion of your own?"
I know other busy moms that say their choice does not matter, so why bother. I tell them that I know a great group of women who are speaking up. Just take a look at MomsRising and BlogHer Acts...My blog sisters are the Silicon Valley, DC and Chicago Moms Blog.
With all this talk of the blogosphere being viral, I hope that the moms speaking up on political issues will start something viral. What are you waiting for?
I couldn't agree with you more! Check out http://Momsspeakup.com for some moms speaking up on particular issues and legislation. I think people should use the information they find here and on the Edwards site and send it out to their friends via their blogs, e-mail lists, or just talking with people.
Posted by: Glennia | October 14, 2007 at 09:39 AM
I write for Huffington Post's Off the Bus, a citizen journalist project and we have another mom on the team who is "Muckraking Mom", Nancy Watzman. She's got a great view on things.
My latest story on Obama and Edwards supporters in Iowa went up today. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christine-escobar/neighborly-politics-in-th_b_68432.html
Posted by: Christine | October 15, 2007 at 08:44 PM