Check out this website, Plants for Hillary.
Plants for Hillary has a Featured Supporters section with quotes like,
As a plant, I know the questions I'm fed are always rooted firmly in Hillary's talking points. There's no danger of her getting lost in the weeds trying to answer a more spontaneous question. -Gardenia jasminoides
Be sure to check out Plant TV, the Field Guide on how to spot a Hillary plant, and the Top Ten Questions Plants Should Never Ask Hillary. My favorite:
9. How will you pass universal health care when you've promised the health care industry and their lobbyists that they'll have a seat at the table, and you've taken more of their money than any other candidate?
You can also plant your own question for HRC and the site promises that t-shirts will be on sale soon!
*Photo from Plants for Hillary.
You can also find Steph rooting for John Edwards at her personal site, Lawyer Mama.
All I can say is, :O !!
Posted by: PunditMom | November 15, 2007 at 07:23 PM