Thanks to everyone that has participated in the latest MOMocrats Smackdown: "Just Call Me Hussein" Day.
Why all the fuss? Some ig'nant fools apparently think it's helpful to their cause to liken Barack Obama to a "terrorist" because his middle name is "Hussein." And we ain't havin' none of that. Why? Because "bitch is the new black," and we? Are bitches.
We've decided to extend the reach of this important blog action by making "Just Call Me Hussein" a meme. If you are reading this and haven't posted, consider yourself tagged. All you have to do is post your "Hussein name" in the title of your blog and share a story about how someone tried to make you feel bad about your name. (See examples below.) Help put childish bullies like Bill Cunningham in his place by declaring yourself a "Hussein!"
When you post—whenever you post—be sure to link us so we can find you. Now, go! Spread that meme far and wide, sistahs (and brahs)! Bitches get shit done!
[Grab a button!]
Or some code:
button 1
<a href=""><img src=""> </a>
button 2
<a href=""><img src=""> </a>
Special thanks to everyone who kicked the meme off "correc'":
Just Call Me Mini Hussein Van Bohemian (Minivan Bohemian)
Just Call Me Erzsebet Katkics Hussein Thompson (This Full House)
Just Call me Elizabeth Anne Hussein Edwards (Table for Five)
Yeah, That's Right, I'm Girl Hussein Con Queso, (Girl Con Queso)
Relieved to Be Called Amy Hussein S. (Up With Moms)
Just Call Me Hussein (Gunfighter: A Modern Warrior's Life)
Just Call Me Hussein-Marie (A Mama's Rant)
Self-Made Hussein Mom (Self-Made Mom)
Hussein-ematic Says: Oh...Snap! (P i l l o w b o o k)
Just Call Me The Lovely Mrs. Hussein Davis (The Lovely Mrs. Davis Tells You What to Think)
Just Call Me Mom "Hussein" 101 (Mom-101)
Barack Hussein Obama: A Name You Can Trust (Black Women for Obama)
If My Grandfather Had Been Named Hussein... (Len Edgerly)
Tulip Shennandoah Smithington McVargas Pennington O'Toole (katydidnot)
Just Call Me Kim Eilleen Hussein (Professor Kim's News Notes)
Just Call Me Hairy Fat Hussein (The Eleventh)
Just Call Me Rosenblum Hussein (Needs New Batteries)
That's Ms. Hussein, If You're Nasty (Woman on the Verge)
Call me Michele Hussein (I Got Two, Babe)
Just Call Me Ern Hussein (Sights and Ramblings)
Just Call Me Lauren Lori Laura Loreen Hussein Baytty Batty Bee-A-ty Beatty (Sweet Beans)
Hussein's Dice (Kady Liang)
Just Call Me Lady Hussein Liberal, (Life, Liberty and Vodka Tonics)
Just Call me Summer Hussein (Wired for Noise)
Just Call Me Ammie Hussein (Sleeping Mommy)
Just Call Me Husseinlien123 (The Lotus Life)
Just Call Me Ana Hussein (Bongga Mom)
Just Call Me Erin Elizabeth Hussein Kotecki Vest (Queen of Spain)
You Can Call Me Glennia Hussein Campbell (The Silent I)
Who's Sayin' Hussein? Florinda Hussein Vasquez, that's who (The 3 R's: Reading, 'riting, and Randomness)
"Just Call Me Moondance Hussein Anne" Day (Sea Change)
Just Call Me Astacia Hussein Mamikaze (Life on the Run)
Today is Just Call Me Hussein Day (Anachroclysmic)
Just Call Me Twizzle Hussein Mussolini Adolph Fidel Mao Bin Laden! (Baboon of Magnesia)
Just Call Me Karoli Hussein (Drums and Whistles)
MotherTalkers (see comments)
Just Call Me Erin Hussein (Creation Halt)
Benny, when you call me you can call me HUSSEIN (Julie Pippert)
Just Call Me Hussein
Donna Hussein Schwartz Mills (So Cal Mom)
Deborah "Glo-bra" Hussein. (i-obsess)
Joanne Hussein PunditMom (PunditMom)
Just Call Me Sheila Hussein Bernus Dowd (Xiaolin Mama)
Stephanie "The Stripper" Hussein (Lawyer Mama)
jen hussein plus two (One Plus Two)
Just Call Me Stefania Hussein Butler (CityMama)
If you aren't listed here and want to be, leave a comment below and we will add you!
Count me in.
Posted by: Moondance | February 28, 2008 at 07:21 PM
The "Hussein" name didn't make it into the permalink, but I promise it's in the title if you read the post:
Posted by: Florinda | February 28, 2008 at 07:27 PM
Just call bonggamom "Ana Hussein"! Here's my post:
Posted by: Ana Hussein | February 28, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Here's my post:
Posted by: husseinlien123 | February 28, 2008 at 09:38 PM
Add mine. Just call me Ammie Hussein
Posted by: Sleeping Mommy | February 28, 2008 at 10:03 PM
I wrote one also.
Posted by: Summer | February 28, 2008 at 11:40 PM
Done and done! Add me! :)
Posted by: Lauren | February 29, 2008 at 06:26 AM
Another Lauren!
Posted by: Lauren | February 29, 2008 at 10:46 AM
Posted by: Karen | February 29, 2008 at 02:50 PM
Count me in, too.
Posted by: Mary | February 29, 2008 at 05:55 PM
Kim Eilleen Hussein in the house! Post is here:
Posted by: Kim Pearson | February 29, 2008 at 06:03 PM
here's mine
Posted by: kate | February 29, 2008 at 06:55 PM
Just Call Me Patricia Hussein Smith!
Please consider featuring the article below on your blog - I wrote it just tonight - thanks!
Patricia Wilson-Smith
This week’s flap over the use of Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s middle name in the media is the subject of this week’s rant.
Earlier this week, a conservative talk show host (whose name I refuse to use here) kicked up a lot of dust by yelling Senator Obama’s full birth name over and over again during a tirade disguised as an introduction of Senator John McCain at a rally. This guy swaggered back and forth in front of the cameras like a man grateful for his fifteen minutes, showboating in front of an audience of about 7 people, and spewing some of the most racist crap I’ve ever heard on the national airwaves. His goal was to remind the American people that we are in danger of electing a man to our highest office that shares a name in common with a dead dictator. He also took it upon himself to spout the normal right-wing platitudes about how the Senator would handle the economy as President, and how un-safe the nation would be.
This would have all been pretty laughable if the news media hadn’t become so transfixed on this moron for days afterward. They loved it - they ate it up! This freak of nature was featured on every national news program there is for almost a week, and each time he took a new opportunity to display his hatefulness and blatant bigotry.
The irony is, I think his lunatic ramblings actually served a purpose. They both exposed the still deeply engrained racism that still exists with many in this country, and forced us all to deal with an issue that would have eventually reared it’s ugly head anyway - whether or not to use Senator Barack Obama’s full given name when referring to him, as we have done in the case of every other President in our nation’s history.
It took me only three seconds to figure this one out. After watching this race-baiter in action, I quickly realized that we should not only use his full name, we should all counter this idiot by collectively shouting it from the rooftops!
Barack Hussein Obama! Barack Hussein Obama! Barack Hussein Obama!
I want it plastered on all of his campaign signs, and I want every political pundit at CNN, and every lusty news wench at Fox News to let it fall from their lips whenever they refer to him. Why? It’s simple - because we cannot as an electorate say that we support Senator Obama as the Democratic nominee for President unless we are willing to support him in his totality, and that includes his name.
If you think about it, this is an amazing opportunity - this is, in essence, America’s big final test. So many of our fellow citizens have been able to see past the efforts of those who would have stopped Senator Obama’s candidacy in its tracks because of his name AND his race. They’ve been able to see through the veiled efforts to paint him as ‘the black candidate’, and as an inexperienced demagogue. Surely we can also live with the fact that there is more than a real likelihood that our next President coincidentally shares a name with a man who by all accounts was a murderous monster! Right?
It's time to face facts. Senator Obama is, as of this writing, on the brink of staging the greatest political upset in modern history, and all we have to do America is pass this one final test - all we have to do, is learn to love and respect the name, like we love and respect the man. I know I can do it, and I also know why.
My 11-year old son, David, is named after his father, David, who walked out on me when I was four months pregnant on our wedding anniversary and never looked back. At the time, I named my son David because I sincerely believed that one day I’d find a way to put my family back together. When I realized there was no hope, I begin to rue the day I’d decided to name my gorgeous, beautiful son after his father. Those early days were truly miserable.
But guess what happened? Can you guess? That’s right! My love for my son soon faded any memory of the pain his father caused me, and eventually his father became someone who just happened to be named after my son, rather than the evil owner of the name I once prayed I could forget.
Saddaam Hussein was an evil, murderous tyrrant. Jeffrey Dahmer ate people, but I don’t go running in the other direction when I meet someone named Jeffrey, no more than I hide my wallet and the weapons in the house if someone named George happens to stop by. It’s time to face it - there is a very real possibility that Senator Barack Hussein Obama will be the next President of the United States, and when that happens, those who are uncomfortable with his ancestry won’t be able to avoid his middle name any more than they can avoid his black skin. Those of us who have until now turned a blind eye to the uncomfortable realities of his birth name won’t be able to avoid it either, so it’s time to face it head on, and take it for what it is - God’s way of showing us that there can be beauty and honor even in the things that remind us so much of what’s wrong in the world, like my son’s father’s name once did. It’s an opportunity for us to tell ourselves as proud Americans, and to tell the world that we really are the fair and just nation that we so deeply want to be, capable even of lifting to the highest heights a man with arguably one of the most infamous middle names ever.
Yes - this is our final test America. We have shown that we can all push past our prejudices to embrace the hope of a different America - our prejudices about the ability of a black man to win the White House, our prejudices about whether or not a country with such a racially peppered history could accept him as a candidate at all, and yes, our fears and biases over his rich ancestry that is so different than ours, and that is so evident by his name. A complete and total acceptance of Barack Hussein Obama is the only way we can truly embrace the change that his presidency will bring to our country, and the only way we can begin to shake the racist shackles of our nation’s troubled past.
Posted by: Patricia Wilson-Smith | February 29, 2008 at 09:29 PM
Hussein-ematic Says: Oh Snap!
Posted by: cynematic | March 01, 2008 at 10:53 AM
Here ya go- Self-Made Hussein Mom. Love the idea!
Posted by: selfmademom | March 01, 2008 at 12:56 PM
Just call me Hussein-Marie.
Found this post bia sk*rt, btw.
Posted by: Anne-Marie | March 01, 2008 at 04:59 PM
I'm in... here is the link.
Posted by: Gunfighter | March 02, 2008 at 09:52 AM
Man, check out of the blogosphere for a few days and you miss all the fun!
Psyched to play. Here's mine.
Posted by: Amy@UWM | March 02, 2008 at 07:13 PM
I'm Girl Hussein con Queso. Hear me roar con queso.
Posted by: Girl con Queso | March 03, 2008 at 06:44 AM
Here's my post!
Posted by: Elizabeth | March 03, 2008 at 06:56 PM
Just call me Mini Hussein Van Bohemian. Whew! Glad I didn't hyphenate when I got married! "Mini Hussein Hottotrot-Van Bohemian" sounds really dumb!
Posted by: MinivanBohemian | March 04, 2008 at 07:29 AM
I usually do not jump on bandwagons and at first I was happy to change my pen name middle name. That was until I saw that distasteful video posted in one of these links. It went right over my head at first. Hillary's mocking followers, ya see. I am not prone to follow the leader and feel real bad that I feel into this trap.
I decided to follow those who are using buttons with Barack (insert rose) Obama buttons. I did not like the middle finger icon above nor the Democrat one. I am a people not a party. Senator Obama is a gentleman, not given to giving people the finger, ya see. That is New York Yankee fan behavior. I prefer California Angels laid back loving kind myself.
Attitudes are contagious ya see.
Posted by: mary | March 05, 2008 at 09:39 AM
Hmmm, I thought I left my link earlier this week. But, then again, I could have been trippin' on Dayquil, again.
Thank you!
Posted by: Liz | March 07, 2008 at 10:02 AM
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