My American Idols: Lisa Stone and Elizabeth Edwards
BlogHer CEO Lisa Stone shares a speech that she recently delivered on the 10th anniversary of Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. In a word, the speech is inspiring.
One of my favorite parts (because there are so many it's tough to choose):
Here's my point for the future of the Internet: What women say online is evolving both because of the new social technologies at our disposal and because of the validation and confirmation women are receiving from other women using social media. With social media, we are no longer restricted to stealing minutes and telephoning our three best friends between work, the commute, a social life and, ultimately for many, a family to tell them our opinion. With social media, we act -- we tell the world with a few keystrokes, on our blogs and social sites. And, lo and behold, the world acts back -- the very same world in which women have never achieved parity on op-ed pages or in public office.
Lisa, you make me want to get all Norma Rae. I want to stand up on my desk and raise my laptop and shouting, "Read this!" Moms blogging at 2am because you are overwhelmed taking care of your new baby, women blogging your experiences with eating local, moms trying to affect social change, women pouring out your angst about your bad relationships on your blogs, READ THIS! Politicians who think you are doing everything to reach women voters, READ THIS."
Women, we are changing the internet one blog post, one Tweet, one podcast, one status update at a time!
Thank you, Lisa, for being a powerful, astute advocate for blogging women everywhere. You, as they say, are made of awesome.
[photo credit: jenijen from flickr]
MOMocrats Founding Editor Stefania Pomponi Butler also blogs CityMama and Kimchi Mamas.
Made of awesome and there are gazillions of us!
Posted by: PunditMom | March 24, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Such an amazing post. I love the line that proposes as an alternative to "What do women want," "Women, what do you want?"
Lisa always rawks. Not surprising.
Posted by: Mom101 | March 24, 2008 at 11:54 AM
I liked the part where she mentions MOMocrats. Hee. And all the rest of it, too.
Posted by: Glennia | March 24, 2008 at 12:05 PM
So inspiring. Thanks for posting this!
Posted by: Claire | March 26, 2008 at 07:15 AM