As many of you know, this site was founded to support John Edwards bid for President of the United States.
I watched from afar as the rock star MOMocrats lauded and defended their choice with wisdom, facts, and snark. They stuck to their guns and went down with the ship and now continue to voice their intelligent observations as this race drags on (and on and on and on).
I accosted Stefania late the other night as we watched the numbers come in from Ohio and Texas and flippantly added "...and I totally want to be a MOMocrat....I'm way too mouthy though. Elizabeth Edwards would scold me."
Our CityMama laughed, and before I knew it I had a log-in to this kickass site. So I want to start by saying THANK YOU for allowing me yet another platform to rant the only way I know how.
With that said, and before you take my posting privileges away:
I'm of the mindset that dragging the democratic nomination process out is one of the worst ideas in the history of man. Or woman. Or MOM. Whatever.
Anyway I firmly believe this is getting much uglier before it gets better and we are NOT going to all come together and hold hands and sing Kumbaya in Denver in August.
I'd like to see John Edwards endorse. And endorse NOW.
I realize he wants to be Vice President. I mean, he must. Why the hell else would he NOT say anything yet? Common sense would tell us if he goes out on a limb and endorses Clinton and Obama wins, he's out of a job. If he endorses Obama and Clinton wins he's out of a job and possibly sent to the American version of Siberia (what would that be exactly? Michigan's Upper Peninsula?) for crossing the all powerful Clinton clan.
Having drank some of the MOMocrat Kool Aid and having been throughly impressed with Elizabeth Edwards at BlogHer '07 in Chicago, I have to believe John Edwards has a spine. He surely would endorse the candidate he found most worthy of the job, not the one he thought could make or break his next position.
Naive Erin, I know. I get that a lot.
So now that we're in a Thunderdome DeathMatch for the Nomination, where are the big name endorsements and why are they keeping their mouths shut? You mean to tell me an Edwards or Gore endorsement wouldn't sway a few hundred thousand voters? You mean to tell me Edwards is really THAT torn over who he should throw his weight behind? I mean *I* was torn a few weeks ago, but this wagon train sure as hell has changed course over the past few weeks. I think most of us fence-sitters have picked a side by now.
With all due respect Mr. Edwards, It's 3am. The country needs you to help end this insanity.
Please publicly endorse your choice for President. Nudge Al Gore and some others while you're at it. Do what you can so we, the voters, don't have to watch this party implode over the next 7 weeks and fail to unify in time to regain the White House.
The rhetoric is getting nastier. Lines are being drawn in the sand. I went from being TORN on who to vote for on Super Tuesday and happy with Clinton OR Obama-to literally wanting to fly to Ohio to be able to scream obscenities at Senator Clinton for her negative campaigning.
I am your party's base, and I am disgusted and getting very, very, very worried we're going to blow this whole thing.
I know I am not alone.
Do us all a favor and pick a side. Get your supporters behind the side, work a deal where you get a bunch of other big names to join you, and rip off this band aid FAST.
I'm off to drink more MOMocrat Kool-Aid. They make the best, you know. I hope to mix my own batch here often, anyone want a glass?
Yes, yes, YES! I sweahtagawd I composed this post in my head as I was driving today. Okay, I got as far as, "Where the hell is John Edwards" but still.
John, we need you! Where are you? How I miss your voice in this campaign...
Welcome, Erin. We sure are glad to have you.
Posted by: Stefania/CityMama | March 06, 2008 at 08:28 PM
Happy to be here. And thrilled as heck you agree. We need something. Someone. Somehow I don't see Jesse Jackson or Jimmy Carter brokering this deal.
Posted by: Queenofspain | March 06, 2008 at 08:36 PM
Dang, that was one HOT inaugural post!
Posted by: Liz | March 06, 2008 at 08:47 PM
Yes, I'd love a glass please.
We're basically going to hand this election to McCain if we keep going like this. What is it with the stupid Democratic party that they can't help but shoot themselves in the foot??!!!
Posted by: MammaLoves | March 06, 2008 at 09:23 PM
I don't know. I keep flashing that big MOMOCRATS symbol into the night sky, thinking John Edwards will pick up the 'cratphone and call in an endorsement. So far, nada.
Posted by: Glennia | March 06, 2008 at 09:35 PM
I read the title and I knew it was you, Erin. You have a knack for lighting a fire under people's asses and I LOVE IT.
Since I'm still so new to "left side" politics, I have no idea what to say, but I agree. The Dems need to pick a side and get this show on the road.
Posted by: Dana | March 06, 2008 at 10:20 PM
Erin, that sizzled like bacon on a hot pan.
I want to see some leadership from the Democratic Party, NOW. In fact, I'm starting to think that Dean or whoever should've pulled aside Clinton and laid down the law *before* Texas and Ohio and said, "If you don't make X, Y, Z thresholds, promise me you are out of the game."
DP heavy hitters, IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO HAVE THAT CONVERSATION and make Wyoming and Mississippi a turning point.
Posted by: cynematic | March 06, 2008 at 10:31 PM
Amen, sister!
If the Democratic party leadership is too spineless to put an end to it, maybe Elizabeth Edwards should wrestle her husband to a podium PRONTO!
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | March 06, 2008 at 10:45 PM
the 3am line was freaking hilarious. now pass the kool aid.
Posted by: jen | March 06, 2008 at 11:50 PM
I'm cracking up Dana knew me by my headline.
I have a comment at my site that says John Edwards was mourning his father in law this week, but I have yet to confirm. And while my condolences go out to the Edwards family, I do believe this should have happened well BEFORE Texas and Ohio.
Posted by: Queenofspain | March 07, 2008 at 12:45 AM
Here is the link about John Edwards father-in-law
Honestly, I would rather have someone choose to NOT endorse a candidate, then have them endorse someone who they feel that they cannot agree with. I find it refreshing that in a time where everyone seems to have an endorsement including Rick Flair and Jack Nicholson, that the former Democratic presidential candidates are not making endorsements. Out of all of the candidates who have dropped out (Dodd, Biden, Kucinich, Edwards, Richardson), only Dodd has endorsed someone. Plus, as far as John Edwards goes, as long as he does not officially endorse either candidate they are forced to keep the issue of poverty on the front burner in hope that he DOES endorse.
This back and forth in the election cycle is frustrating and exhausting, but ultimately I believe that it will strengthen the party -- as long as Clinton and Obama don't get TOO negative. Even some of the negative things that have been done like the picture of Obama in Kenyana traditional dress is actually of benefit, because if he has the nomination the Republicans can't pull that out of their bag of tricks two weeks before the General Election: it has lost its impact.
It would be nice to have an official Democratic candidate, but McCain is basically out of money until the convention. Since he has officially clinched the Republican nomination, I believe that other than on Fox News, he's going to be a footnote in the news/public consciousness until he has an official opponent. In the meantime, the Democrats are in the public eye.
Posted by: Cheryl | March 07, 2008 at 07:25 AM
I have a feeling he's biding his time. I'm sure Elizabeth will make sure he comes back out to play some more.
Posted by: PunditMom | March 07, 2008 at 07:28 AM
I heard gossip he's in line for Attorney General position. I'm not convinced he wants VP or thinks it's his best career move. I can see that.
I read he is having as much trouble choosing as many of us did. Heart to Obama and head to Clinton, they said.
I'd rather him be utterly sure of his endorsement.
Posted by: Julie Pippert | March 07, 2008 at 08:00 AM
Edwards once said Clinton and Obama as candidates are "deeply flawed." He's an honest guy from what I've seen of him and I think it may be difficult to compromise his beliefs and make an endorsement to either. I think he has more to gain by staying out of it. Once he endorses, he'll be lumped in with agreeing with Obama or Clinton, people will forget what he stood for in the first place. Which is why I never understood Kucinich's pre-Iowa caucus request of his supporters to back Obama when those two have so many fundamental differences. It really diminished my view of Kucinich's integrity.
Posted by: Christine | March 07, 2008 at 08:52 AM
Woo hoo! What an excellent first post. She comes out swinging.
Posted by: jaelithe | March 07, 2008 at 09:25 AM
Kucinich was being pragmatic. He supported the candidate that came closest to his vision.
Posted by: Gunfighter | March 07, 2008 at 01:52 PM
Woot woot! I love how you hold no punches.
Posted by: Summer | March 07, 2008 at 03:05 PM
Amen, Erin.
Good to hear your feisty voice here!
Posted by: Mom101 | March 07, 2008 at 04:37 PM
Erin, serve mine with a shot of vodka. But seriously, what I've heard on progressive talk radio is that both candidates have met "secretly" with Edwards (Obama most recently). The speculation is that Edwards will serve as the King Maker and wait until the convention or close to it to endorse.
Posted by: Anne-Marie | March 08, 2008 at 10:26 AM
I agree and disagree with Erin and loved her post. Yes, PLEASE make it end. Fence-sitters should speak up. And I, too, am very worried we're going to blow this whole thing.
But, imho, endorsements are over rated. Some research and results agree. I think they are more about the endorser feeling relevant that anything else...
The voters (and women) of MA clearly told Obama endorsers Kerry, Kennedy and newbie Gov. Deval Patrick, no thanks, we will make up our own mind. Which (no matter who you support) was kinda cool.
Btw, I voted for Edwards in California (by mail before he dropped out). But I do not think his endorsement would sway many voters now. HOWEVER, if he could gather all the superdelegates together NOW and have them pledge to do the democratic thing -- i.e., support the winner of the popular vote -- well that would be MAJOR and to my mind totally rock.
Posted by: candace | March 09, 2008 at 01:34 PM
Thank you for FINALLY asking the question that gets missed by the TV media..... 20-30% of the early democratic supporters were EDWARDS supporters. Why haven't the remaining candidates tried harder to get these voters' support?
I was (and still am) a staunch Edwards supporter. I am shocked that a man who has devoted the last 5+ years to running for president can walk away without caring what happens in this race, and to this country?
John Edwards doesn't have an opinion? shocking...
Elizabeth Edwards doesn't have an opinion? more shocking.....
Posted by: dallasmamaof2 | March 12, 2008 at 01:44 PM