In my mind, it is very important that Senator Obama continue to illustrate in big and small ways that he will do things differently. He needs to give us examples of what he means when he says it will not be "politics as usual" in an Obama White House.
Obama’s Philadelphia speech on race was one such example. It was exactly what I was looking for. Bold and risky. Most handlers would have attempted to dissuade him. That’s what I believe Americans are looking for - decisions that indicate that he is not handled, that he has a mind of his own and that he knows how to follow the rules but also is not afraid to create a few new ones.
In addition, to address the experience concern, Americans should have a bit more insight into the kind of president he would be once elected. And what we have grown to understand, particularly in these last eight years,is that who a president is defined in a significant way by who that president hires.
SO here’s my suggestion, Barack. Put Hillary on the defensive with a bold move. Hold a press conference. Tell people something they know – that Vice Presidents have become more and more influential in how America is governed. Tell them that with our nation at war, the strong and steady hand of a Defense Secretary is critical. Tell them that with our international standing and our relationships with foreign countries badly damaged by “8 x #43,” the person chosen as Secretary of State has the opportunity and the responsibility to change the world. Literally.
Then tell them something they don’t know. Tell them your top three picks for Vice President. Include Hillary because the story would just become about that if you didn’t. Tell them your top three picks for Defense and State. Tell us about your peeps.
You’d have no obligation but it would introduce America to you as a president. It would allow them to imagine themselves in an Obama America. It would no doubt be a strong and diverse list and it would say something about you that would unquestionably strengthen your case.
"Politics as usual" being what it is will no doubt be the very obstacle that will prevent something like this from happening. But it is the kind of move that will absolutely demonstrate that you represent the future.
And then (this is the fun part): ask Hillary to do the same.
Just my two cents Senator Obama.
And there is nothing, in mind, April foolish about it.
LOVE this post, Joan!
Kathleen Sebelius, Kathleen Sebelius, Kathleen 2c.
Posted by: cynematic | April 01, 2008 at 12:37 PM
Joan, this is so brilliant it makes me ache. I would give my right elbow to see this information handed to (future) President Obama.
Posted by: debbie - i obsess | April 01, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Bold would be good for both candidates. And I've been thinking the same thing myself about having them come out with their VP candidates. And cynetmatic, I agree -- Sebelius would be terrific.
Posted by: PunditMom | April 01, 2008 at 02:55 PM
This is an excellent idea.
I suppose he would have to get permission from everyone on his lists first, though?
Posted by: jaelithe | April 01, 2008 at 09:07 PM
There was a rumor, from a friend on the nominating committee of the National Education Association, that Hillary was going to do the exact effing thing once she got the nomination sewed up. She was going to do it to take attention away from her (cause she knew how many people didn't like her all that much) and focus attention on the whole package. Biden was going to be Sec. of State and Richardson was going to be VP.
I would love it if Obama did the same thing (with the same VP choice -- not so much the Sec. of State).
So, in other words, yes. Totally yes.
BTW, Joan, I think I met you when I was working at NGLTF. Glad to see your name.
Posted by: Kristin | April 01, 2008 at 09:39 PM
Yay--I'm so glad we agree on something!!
Obama-Sebelius '08!
Ok, Sen. Obama, now that we've decided for you...
Posted by: cynematic | April 02, 2008 at 12:00 AM
It's a good thing Hillary didn't announce Richardson as her choice for VP....that would look really bad right about now.
Posted by: Amber | April 05, 2008 at 08:38 PM