Michael Moore declared his support for Obama today with a message posted to his website. He writes an empassioned letter urging the people of Pennsylvannia to vote for Obama.
He also includes a message for the rest of us about why Obama can and should be our next president:
I know some of you will say, 'Mike, what have the Democrats done to deserve our vote?' That's a damn good question. In November of '06, the country loudly sent a message that we wanted the war to end. Yet the Democrats have done nothing. So why should we be so eager to line up happily behind them?
I'll tell you why. Because I can't stand one more friggin' minute of this administration and the permanent, irreversible damage it has done to our people and to this world. I'm almost at the point where I don't care if the Democrats don't have a backbone or a kneebone or a thought in their dizzy little heads. Just as long as their name ain't "Bush" and the word "Republican" is not beside theirs on the ballot, then that's good enough for me.
I, like the majority of Americans, have been pummeled senseless for 8 long years. That's why I will join millions of citizens and stagger into the voting booth come November, like a boxer in the 12th round, all bloodied and bruised with one eye swollen shut, looking for the only thing that matters -- that big "D" on the ballot.
Don't get me wrong. I lost my rose-colored glasses a long time ago.
It's foolish to see the Democrats as anything but a nicer version of a party that exists to do the bidding of the corporate elite in this country. Any endorsement of a Democrat must be done with this acknowledgement and a hope that one day we will have a party that'll represent the people first, and laws that allow that party an equal voice.
Finally, I want to say a word about the basic decency I have seen in Mr. Obama. Mrs. Clinton continues to throw the Rev. Wright up in his face as part of her mission to keep stoking the fears of White America. Every time she does this I shout at the TV, "Say it, Obama! Say that when she and her husband were having marital difficulties regarding Monica Lewinsky, who did she and Bill bring to the White House for 'spiritual counseling?' THE REVEREND JEREMIAH WRIGHT!"
But no, Obama won't throw that at her. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be decent. She's been through enough hurt. And so he remains silent and takes the mud she throws in his face.
That's why the crowds who come to see him are so large. That's why he'll take us down a more decent path. That's why I would vote for him if Michigan were allowed to have an election.
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MOMocrats Co-Founder/Editor Stefania Pomponi Butler is holding her breath until the PA Primary is over. She is holding out hope for an Obama victory. Come on, Pennsylvania! Yes you can!
Dang. That's quite a photo.
I'm glad that Pennsylvanians get to vote in the primaries and that their votes will be included and counted, but I'm certain that Obama will eventually be the nominee, regardless of the number of votes Clinton obtains.
I'm not worried.
Posted by: debbie | April 21, 2008 at 03:07 PM
Indeed, Sir.
Regarding the "do nothing Democrats" fear not... we will greatly widen our majority in the House and The Senate this cycle.
Things will start happening.
Posted by: Gunfighter | April 21, 2008 at 03:18 PM
I admire Moore so much for his endorsement of Obama and even more for his reasons.
Posted by: libhomo | April 21, 2008 at 05:32 PM