The MOMocrats just (minutes ago) via our own Sarah Granger received the following invitation from Bay Area Dems to meet Kansas Governor Sebelius at an Obama fundraiser in San Francisco. We were struck by this sentence on the invitation:
Governor Sebelius is a top-tier candidate to be named as Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate in this fall's election
We all know the VP vetting process has begun and that sometimes names are "leaked" to gauge interest. Is this a leak or reality? And if so, how do you feel about it?
You're Invited to a Reception Featuring Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius
Friday, May 30, 2008
Please join Bay Area Democrats for a reception featuring Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. In addition to being a Democratic governor of what is typically thought of as a "red" state, Governor Sebelius is a top-tier candidate to be named as Barack Obama's Vice Presidential running mate in this fall's election.
Top-tier VP Candidate? All the more reason to meet Gov. Sebelius! The MOMocrats will be there.
Now THAT calls for a Rock Chalk, Jayhawk chant! ;)
Posted by: PunditMom | May 29, 2008 at 11:46 AM
Totally -- I wrote a piece about her on my the more I wrote, the more I fell in love...she is so completely cool...
Posted by: Kristin | May 29, 2008 at 11:47 AM
I really like this woman - she has so much to offer. But the Catholics in her state are mobilizing against her and it is spilling over. The first impression of her to many Cincinnati moms is via super-conservative Catholics who keep them uptodate on the pro-life outrage in Kansas right now. And the archbishop denying her communion. He's a tool. Sorry God, but he is.
But of course we wouldn't be getting the staunch Catholic vote in the first place, right?
I like her - I wonder if it's too much too fast though. Black guy and a woman? Only if it's Clinton I'm afraid.
Just spit-balling.
Posted by: AmyInOhio | May 29, 2008 at 12:42 PM
Ummmm, yummy Sebelius kool-aid to go with my delicious Obama kool-aid...heh! I'm so on board Obama-Sebelius '08, I've practically bought the t-shirt and ripped the sleeves off. :D
Posted by: cynematic | May 29, 2008 at 12:44 PM
You know what I would love - if the candidates would name their cabinet picks now too. Why don't they do you think?
Posted by: AmyInOhio | May 29, 2008 at 12:57 PM
It is very exciting that she's on the short list. I can't wait to see her in person. I was invited to her inaugurals in KS but couldn't go. :( What she's accomplished in Kansas is nothing short of a miracle.
For anyone who wants the San Francisco invitation details, drop me a line at sairy(at)sairy(dot)com. It's tomorrow. Great price. If she comes a VP nominee, you can bet tickets will skyrocket for the next one.
Posted by: Sarah Granger | May 29, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Won't happen, I'm afraid... personally, I like Sebelius, and I would heartily endorse that ticket, but I doubt that he'll put her on the spot.
Posted by: Gunfighter | May 29, 2008 at 01:32 PM
I'll look forward to reading your posts after the event!
Posted by: Daisy | May 29, 2008 at 05:57 PM