Maybe it was a misspoke that flew off the miswheel of the Mistake Talk Express.
But the other day, Senator John McCain implied that we went to war in Iraq for the oil (video and transcript).
Silly me! I thought the reason we were given was that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and was about to have Osama bin Laden over for tea and biscuits to discuss their use.
Apparently NOT. So perhaps to say the war was for oil is more true than otherwise. And setting aside how furious 4,000 + needlessly lost American lives and countless more Iraqi deaths makes me...
I want to know why McCain thinks lifting a federal excise gas tax of 18.4c/gallon will do anything to actually help people who are feeling the squeeze from summer gas price increases.
Because IF we did fight in Iraq to "protect" a vast oil supply, then it sure wasn't for the consumer's benefit. The price of oil is at record $120 or so per barrel. And the 18.4c/gallon (or whopping $30 for the summer) saved at the pump won't go into your pocket, nor will it go to highway repair projects that the federal excise tax is otherwise intended for. That's clear as day.
Cynematic pays attention, here and at her personal blog, P i l l o w b o o k.
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