If you've got a MOMocrat on your shopping list, then there are few things to consider when it comes to gift buying.
Sure, it would be great if we could all chip in a few bucks and guarantee that our candidate would take over the White House in November. Although, I'm pretty sure we're well on our way to seeing that happen without the "Mother's Day Giving."
Go Democrats Go!
But what about charitable donations? We've seen people scoff at the thought of giving a donation on someone's behalf, but with so many people in need, I'm wondering if giving mom a little time off, and shooting some money to people who need it might be a better route.
Of course, think about donating to the campaign of your mama's favorite candidate. Then grab her a MOMocrats t-shirt, a bottle of wine, and send the kids to Grandmom's for the day.
Another idea might be to donate on her behalf to charity, like Johnson & Johnson's Baby Cause site (powered by Global Giving). I'm working with them to encourage folks to consider donating -- and if you've got strong feelings about how you want to be recognized this Mother's Day (presents or not), feel free to share them on your blog. You could actually win a donation to be made on your behalf.
Sorry, that's just way cooler than a Hillary or Obama purse. At least, in my opinion. And it's a great way to honor another mother who might not have the means to do it herself.
You can find Kristen at Motherhood Uncensored, Cool Mom Picks, and Parent Bloggers. You know, in case you're looking.
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