In the lead up to the Virginia Democratic Convention today, there's been much speculation about whether Virginia will go Blue in the Presidential election.
Virginia is a pretty red state, although those of us who've lived in Washington, DC tend to forget that. Virginia is where the South and a wide swath of red begins. Although the Northern Virginia area is a nice shade of deep blue, by the time you get to Fairfax County, about 7 miles outside of D.C., the atmosphere becomes positivelypurple. Go another 15 miles and break out the hydrocortisone cream because everyone looks red and it might be catching.
The red rash covers the rest of Virginia, with only a few healthy spots of Blue along the coast, Norfolk, being one of them. Nevertheless, everyone thinks Virginia is in play. Certainly the Obama campaign does. Virginia has been graced with his presence in just the last week. And not simply in Blue Arlington, but in purple Prince William County and Red as rubies Bristol, Virginia. We're being courted. Finally, the Democratic party is trying to heal Virginia's red rash.
Virginia turning Blue would be an event of note. We haven't voted for a Democrat for President since Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson! So why are we in play now?
We're tired of Republican Bullshit.
Do I even need to mention the current state of our international reputation? The mess in Iraq? The economy? Gas prices? The environment? The health and safety of our food and toys? I could keep going for quite some time. (Feel free to add your own to the list.)
Virginia's charismatic Democratic governors and Senator.
Despite our Red rash, Virginia likes its Democratic governors. Mark Warner was immensely popular, straightened out a horrible mess of a deficit in Virginia, and left the state one of the best governed in the nation. I've been fortunate enough to hear him speak and meet him. Trust me, he is gifted with people. Although he's been mentioned as a potential VP candidate, he's currently running for Republican, John Warner's seat in the Senate.
Virginia's current governor, Tim Kaine, is quite popular as well. He's been very active in Obama's campaign. He's even been named as a potential VP candidate for Obama. He beat Republican Jerry Kilgore with a nice margin: 52-46%.
Jim Webb is Virginia's Democratic Senator. He won his race quite handily against Republican George "macaca" Allen in the last election. He has a military background. He's from the rural Southern part of Virginia. He's pro-gun. Virginia loves him.
Democrats are running in every Virginia congressional district.
Virginia is fielding Democrats in all 11 Congressional Districts. I have no idea when that last happened. No idea. No one seems to know. A long time.
We're tired of Republican bullshit.
Oh wait, did I say that already? Well it bears repeating. What the Republican administration has done to this country over the last 8 years is quite evident here in Virginia. Despite the boon to the defense industry churning away in Northern and Southeastern Virginia, the only blue areas of this Commonwealth, the loyal Red areas are hurting.
Traditional and up until recently, stable Virginia jobs like those in Tobacco, Furniture, and Manufacturing are leaving in droves and there isn't much coming in to replace them.
All the dissatisfaction, well spoken Democrats and Congressional candidates wouldn't mean a thing if we hadn't had Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to look to for leadership and some national healing. Here in Virginia, people are becoming excited about the future of our country for the first time in a long time. Does anyone think there will be an overnight fix? Of course not. But Barack Obama can start building up some of that international respect and currency that GWB wasted so carelessly.
Change is looking awfully good in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Blue is looking awfully good.
Be sure to keep checking the MOMcrats site. I'll have updates from the Virginia Convention throughout the day, followed by my thoughts on the process into early next week.
Other posts from the Virginia Democratic Convention:
McCain Could Learn Something from Webb
Stephanie also blogs about things other than politics at Lawyer Mama.
Good to hear what's going on there. How many people are there? How are the facilities?
VA sounds so much like Texas in so many ways (other than not being able to boast of the worst Presidents in American history---and no GOP lovers, I don't mean them ALL---and I think only LA beats us for corrupt politicians).
And yet...that's an A-list state.
Can you find out why?
Why will Obama campaign in VA but not TX? Is it location? Other factors? Dem Gov Kaine?
Muchas gracias from the Lone Star State!
Posted by: Julie Pippert | June 14, 2008 at 10:59 AM
I grew up in a wealthy, old money pocket of Virginia (think Jefferson). Even the dyed in the wool Republicans I knew are all Obama supporters now. These are adults who have voted in many elections but are changing their ways now, even if their parents continue to vote red. One reason my friends cite is that they have kids now (which they didn't have in past elections) so their entire paradigm has shifted. These are folks who are voting with more than their wallets now. They are looking at the world from their children's perspectives and recognize that the red ways did not necessarily pay off for them so it's time to try something new. Many of the people I knew went off to college, traveled abroad, worked in big cities, and came back as adults with different views. They are challenging the veil of promise that their parents created.
It is so refreshing to see these people take off their red colored glasses. I was awfully proud when Virginia voted for Obama in the primary. I'm on North Carolina now and can only hope we aren't lobster red, which will be a feat based on the conversation I had with my uber conservative neighbor last night. I'm still reeling from it.
Posted by: ilinap | June 14, 2008 at 12:19 PM
Jules, I think VA wouldn't be in play if it weren't for all the factors I mentioned combined. This state is still pretty socially conservative but desperate for change.
More about that in my Kaine post coming up....
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | June 14, 2008 at 01:14 PM
Another Virginia for change, checking in, here!
I think that we have a better than even chance of going fully blue in this election cycle than ever before!
Go Virginia! GO BLUE!
Posted by: Gunfighter | June 14, 2008 at 08:52 PM
Go Orange and Blue means a whole new thing to this Wahoo!
Posted by: ilinap | June 15, 2008 at 06:03 PM