It rolled across my Twitter page this morning, an exciting update from MOMocrats contributor Erin Kotecki Vest:
I don't have cable (and I was listening to the WWDC iPhone announcement) so I hadn't heard it, but that news made my morning.
For many, the sharpest difference between Obama and Clinton policy-wise is that his plan does not have an individual mandate while hers did. If you are worried that Obama's plan won't cover everyone, perhaps this is a sign that his plan will soon be moving in the right direction. With Mrs. Edwards advising (someone who is intimately familiar with the flaws in McCain's plan), I dare say, we're in capable hands.
This news trumps cheaper, faster iPhone news any day.
MOMocrats co-founder Stefania Pomponi Butler hearts her Blackberry.
And I thought I was happy about the impeachment post. Happiness continues.
Momocrats -- the place with news you can use.
Posted by: Kristin | June 09, 2008 at 08:52 PM
Now THAT'S what I call a Dream Team! :-)
Posted by: Linda | June 09, 2008 at 09:45 PM
My favorite line on Healthcare -ever.
"I suspect that if (the insurance companies) could, they would write obstetrical-only policies for nuns."
Go Elizabeth! and thanks for listening Obama.
Posted by: Jo-Ann | June 10, 2008 at 04:48 AM
So much good news. Elizabeth Edwards for VP!
Posted by: PunditMom | June 10, 2008 at 05:21 AM
Not one to over post... I decided to talk abou tthis at my place today.
Posted by: Gunfighter | June 10, 2008 at 08:00 AM