Yesterday, a report released by the Pew Global Attitudes Project highlighted findings that for the first time in a decade, there are encouraging signs for America's global image.
From the report:
Favorable views of the United States have increased modestly since 2007 in 10 of 21 countries where comparative data are available. Perhaps more importantly, the polling finds many people around the world paying close attention to the U.S. presidential election. Moreover - except in countries that are extremely anti-American - those who are paying attention generally believe the next president may well change U.S. foreign policy for the better. In nearly every country surveyed, greater numbers express confidence in presidential candidate Barack Obama than in John McCain.
That right there is a big reason why I'm supporting Barack Obama.
Half my family lives in Italy and my sister lives in the Middle East. I'd like to visit them which means traveling across the world with my two little girls girls in tow. As Americans.
I supported John Edwards because he had a detailed plan to restore our moral standing with the world. Once he dropped out, I started paying attention to the international commenters on my personal blog. The world, at least in terms of my little microcosm on the blogosphere, was inspired by Barack Obama. That amazed me.
I worry about the world my children will grow up in if we continue our current foreign policy. George Bush and his personal Crusade has inflicted so much damage. I never want to hear the word unilateral again as it relates to diplomacy. Our reputation as a world leader is in tatters. At least my Italian relatives understand the predicament we're in since their own government is in shambles. But imagine how different it will be to travel to other countries when we have a president we can be proud of! How different it will be to go to another country as Americans who carry Obama's message of hope and change! I cannot wait until he takes office and we can show the world how not like Dubya we are. How we don't hate, how we aren't afraid of other cultures and ideas, how we want to help take care of our planet.
Again, from the Pew Survey:
People around the world who have been paying attention to the American election express more confidence in Barack Obama than in John McCain to do the right thing regarding world affairs. McCain is rated lower than Obama in every country surveyed, except for the United States where his rating matches Obama's, as well as in Jordan and Pakistan where few people have confidence in either candidate.
The world—the WORLD—trusts that Obama will do the right thing. For me that counts for...everything.
MOMocrats Co-Founder Stefania Pomponi Butler can't wait to show the world what we got.
Babe, you were on fire last night!
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | June 13, 2008 at 07:33 AM
Can you see the McCain meeting on this. Well sir, have faith, you're gaining ground in Tanzania.
Posted by: AmyInOhio | June 13, 2008 at 10:40 AM
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Posted by: John Ray | June 30, 2010 at 02:27 AM