I've maintained for a while now that lame-duck Bush has ceased to be president except to encourage really awful bills or veto really good ones. Instead, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and maybe General Petraeus seem to be running the country. And Bush seems to be political Kryptonite--I'm wondering who'll actually be AT the RNC convention, since so many GOPers are on record as saying they'll be busy "staying home and washing their hair."
Frank Rich at the NYT has pulled together the evidence showing how reality, in the form of Obama's perspective on domestic and foreign affairs, is actually starting to converge with the people's (the reality-based community's) understanding of it. This is a point of pride and sanity, not a right-wing meme about Obama's "uppityness" or "overreaching".
Go read it. The first step in solving problems is defining them correctly. Now, even belatedly, even McCain seems to agree with some of Obama's solutions.
Cynematic blogs at P i l l o w b o o k.
Ooooh I was gonna write about this idea myself. But Frank Rich probably did a better job. But I might still write about it anyway ;)
Posted by: jaelithe | July 28, 2008 at 09:15 AM
Hey, don't let me or Frank Rich stop you! :D Anything that helps people understand that Obama has the judgment to lead, and the ability to create concrete, policy-changing consensus around that, is a good thing.
Posted by: cynematic | July 28, 2008 at 10:06 AM