I recently wrote about my personal feelings about Kaine as Obama's VP pick a few days ago. I think it will be bad for Virginia, even if it's good for Obama and ultimately our country.
That being said, I'm positive that Kaine will be the nominee. I've been pretty sure he would be for awhile, but now I'm making my prediction public. The Kos people have it wrong. It's going to be Kaine.
Why am I so convinced?
Kaine and Obama have been working together very closely since February. The Obamas and Kaine are more than just co-workers or people united in a common political goal, they are close friends.
The Democrats want Virginia to be blue this year. They want it baaaad. I'm a volunteer for the Obama campaign. I know how badly they want it. Kaine could certainly help make that happen. Kaine is on the conservative side of the Democratic party. He is pro-life and pro-guns. (Although the pro-guns thing is pretty much a given in the South.) This can help Obama with more conservative voters.
It makes no sense to take a Democrat from the Senate with such a close majority right now.
Kaine's director of advance from his 2005 gubernatorial race has signed on with the Obama campaign as director or travel for the veep-nominee-to-be.
Kaine has appearances scheduled with Warner in Virginia on Wednesday and Thursday. This isn't enough by itself, but when you add everything together, it helps.
I could go on for awhile, but I'll leave it at this. Kaine will be Obama's VP pick.
Anyone wanna wager?
Stephanie also blogs at Lawyer Mama.
I hope you're wrong, seriously. I think Kaine carries the same liabilities as Obama, vis a vis experience. He doesn't bring foreign policy cred to the table (I don't believe military is the benchmark but foreign policy credentials, absolutely). I don't see it as being a particularly complimentary ticket.
My hope is for someone we haven't even considered. But not Kaine.
Posted by: Karoli | August 19, 2008 at 09:06 AM
Woah, he looks like some strange evil vampire-bunny.
Posted by: KrisUnderwood | August 19, 2008 at 09:24 AM
Sorry, Steph. I've gotta disagree with you on this one. He can't risk the inexperience card, as well as Kaine's pro-life stance.
I think it's going to be Biden, especially now that Russia is flexing its muscles again.
Posted by: PunditMom | August 19, 2008 at 12:16 PM
Plus, he hasn't even been seen with Biden, compared to his appearances w/ Kaine & Bayh. Which also makes me think it will be Biden.
Or maybe it will be a total wild card, like one of us MOMocrats! ;)
Posted by: PunditMom | August 19, 2008 at 12:17 PM
His VP selection will show that he is a different politician, outside the beltway. It is going to be Chuck Hagel, Republican Senator from Nebraska. He will begin to mend the Country with this pick. No more Red States, No more Blue States-just UNITED!!! This will surprise everyone!!
Posted by: Karl | August 19, 2008 at 02:38 PM
Karl - the only really significant thing that Hagel disagrees with his party on is the war. He's another pro-life GOPer other than that. He's been good to his constituents but that does not a VP contender make.
Does everyone have their cell phones next to them? I'm having fun with texting my friends "Bayh" and waiting for a reaction.....bwaaaaaaaahahahaha.
Posted by: progressive gal | August 19, 2008 at 03:31 PM
@PunditMom: Well, I was sworn to secrecy, but I'll let you MOMos in on it.
It's me! I'm the VP. Obama-Cynematic '08!
Actually, I'm a teeny bit sad it won't be Sebelius. (She's not slated to speak on Thurs, but some other day of the week.) I think the VP needs to be pro-choice and unequivocally so.
Posted by: cynematic | August 19, 2008 at 07:26 PM
Oops, that would be "Sebelius isn't slated to speak on Weds..." not Thurs as I typed above.
Darn the lack of an editing function on comments.
Posted by: cynematic | August 19, 2008 at 07:27 PM
I'm not crazy about Tim Kaine, and I'm not really sure why. I am, on the other hand, really sure that I'm ready for the speculation to end. I can't wait to see who Obama picks.
Posted by: April | August 19, 2008 at 08:47 PM
And then McCain is going to pick Lieberman who's pro-choice and a former Democrat. It's going to be a strange election this year.
Posted by: Kellyology | August 20, 2008 at 03:32 PM
I don't think it will be Kaine. I think Kaine badly wants the job but despite the fact that they are good friends, it's a politically bad move. First, it will give the Republicans the advantage in the next governor election. Second, Kaine offers very little in political capital for Obama. Obama will either win or lose the state regardless of whether he picks Kaine. I think he will eke out a win in Virginia. Third, it gives the Republicans more fodder to use against Obama if he picks someone who's national and foreign policy credentials are as thin as his. Kaine hasn't even been that influential as a governor and his record will be picked to the bones by the Republicans. Forget Joe Biden. His credentials are great but he's a loose cannon. Look for a surprise pick. I dismissed it earlier, but Hillary might still be in the running. It will be the only way her rabid supporters are pacified. Another possible surprise would be Colin Powell. I think that would be hugh and would definitely put Obama in the White House. One more person to watch out for is Chuck Hagel, former Republican Senator from Nebraska. He's a strong Bush and war critic and I think he shores up Obama's foreign policy weakness. Who do I think it'll be: either Hillary or Hagel. Bet on Hillary right now.
Posted by: James Foster | August 21, 2008 at 11:19 AM
Whoever it is, make the pick already! I'm tired of this game of dragging out the process!
Posted by: James Foster | August 21, 2008 at 11:24 AM