It took Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central for me to learn about something I have waiting for: Republicans For Obama. Their about page describes their members as voting Republican their whole lives, but recognize the country needs a new leader - which is Barack Obama.
Susan Eisenhower, grandaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, is a member of Republicans for Obama. She publically discusses why she backs Barack Obama, but so eloquently explained it on the Stephen Colbert show tonight. Here is a modified - hope I caught every word - liveblog of their discussion:
(to start the discussion Susan Eisenhower said that she has joined the Republicans for Obama)
Stephen Colbert: I assume now you changed your mind back to vote for Republican because of Sarah Palin as VP pick, and you're a woman. Obviously that will make the difference for you.
Susan Eisenhower: It has not.
Stephen Colbert: Why with this Historic pandering, why wouldn't that get your vote?
Susan Eisenhower: Sarah Palin has demonstrated that the Republican Party cares more about right to life issues and choice issues then it does about the economy or national security.
To support Susan's point, I might add this link to the McCain/Palin official website, that has a very direct discussion of why Roe V Wade should be overturned... This is a website, that I have already mentioned, does not have a section on women's issues. And both McCain and Palin have fought funding on sex education...
My first exposure to the Rational Republicans was Chuck Lasker's blog on
From that blog post:
"I am going to do a series of posts on issues from a Republican perspective. I feel, as a Republican for 27 years and political junkie, I can help Democrats understand our thinking and help other Republicans see that Barack Obama is our candidate this election. I am also going to post to my other blog: "
It was a slight shock to know that they were speaking out, much less being active in recruiting other Republicans.
Posted by: bugsoup | September 04, 2008 at 12:45 AM