There's been a lot of discussion about my "Sarah Palin Slashes Budget for Special Needs Kids" post. I've been called names, had my article and data interpretation questioned and described as incorrect (to put it nicely, and sometimes it was put nicely), and (my favorite) had my intelligence questioned because I cited the"liberal" CBS.
Here's the thing. I read those budgets personally. I ran the math and asked for several additional reviews and checks of my math, whch I got. See, when I ran the numbers, I didn't get the 62%. A helpful expert explained how the other writers had arrived at 62% but you'll see that while I explained the 62%, I went with my own math.
The bottom line is that the budget changed. The majority of the media have decided that the budget was cut. Most cite that 62% number.
Last night, Soledad O'Brien interviewed Nicolle Wallace, Sr. Campaign Advisor for the McCain campaign, about the special needs budget changes in Alaska under Palin as governor.
Note: The story about the slashed budget with the dramatic number of 62% cut was out first thing yesterday morning, and received broad and wide circulation.
When Soledad O'Brien interviewed Wallace, she pressed home the point that advocates for special needs kids were questioning Palin's assertion that she would "be there for" special needs kids when, as governor, she had slashed the budget by 62% for special needs kids programs. All that Wallace needed to do was explain, clarify, justify or defend the accuracy of that assertion if it was in error.
This is what happened instead...
I'll be keeping and eye and ear out about this story, and will report any new information, whatever it proves or disproves.
One correction - you were actually called out for listening to the "libral" CBS
That's an important difference.
Posted by: Mom101 | September 05, 2008 at 05:32 PM
In fairness, the 62% figure is based on the budget of Palin's predecessor that she inherited. She dramatically increased funding in her budget. I'm an Obama supporter, but still.
Posted by: JP | September 05, 2008 at 07:03 PM
WTF? The only information the campaign spokesman can give Soledad is "she means what she said"? No facts, no sources, no real rebuttal. We should just trust her because she's "a woman of her word." Sheesh.
Posted by: Donna | September 06, 2008 at 10:14 AM
The budget cut story is untrue. In fact, Palin increased (tripled!) spending in this area. Check out the research at and also Newsweek
Will CNN's O'Brien admit her error? Or will this urban legend go unchallenged by CNN? No wonder Fox News gains more and more viewers!
Posted by: Bob Hackendorf | September 09, 2008 at 12:45 PM