The highlights from Obama speaking yesterday (reponding to Palin et al and before McCain's speech).
Sarah Palin spent considerable time snarking about Obama's community service work--this is work Obama did for 3 years straight out of college, twenty years ago. He gets right to the point:
I would argue that doing work in the community to try to create jobs, to bring people together to rejuventate communitiess that had fallen on hard times, to set up job training programs in areas that had been hard hit in areas when the steel plants closed that that's relevant only in understanding where i'm coming from, who I believe in, who I am fighting for, and why I am in this race. And the question I have for them is: why would that kind of work be ridiculous? Who are they fighting for? What are they advocating for? Do they think that the lives of those folks who are struggling each and every day... that working with them to try and improve their lives is somehow not relevant to the presidency? I think maybe that's the problem. That's part of why they are out of touch and they don't get it because they haven't spent much time working on behalf of those folks.
On the Republicans' RNC attacks from Giulini, Huckabee and Palin:
That's what they do. They don't have an agenda to run on. They haven't offered a single concrete idea so far about how they would make the lives of middle class Americans better. They've spent the entire two nights attacking me or extolling John McCain's biography, which is fine. They can use their convention time any way they want. But you can't expect that I'd be surprised about attacks from Republicans. By the way, I've been called worse on the basketball court. It's not that big of a deal.
He is just masterful with the media. So impressive.
Posted by: Amy@UWM | September 05, 2008 at 03:56 PM