The fact that McCain would so thoroughly neglect his responsibility to select someone to run as his VP, given his age and past health history, as the guy who wants to run our country? Is disgusting.
To discover, in the muck of his pick's past, that she was affiliated with a group of Alaskans desirous of seceding from the country? Makes me seriously jaw-gapey to think that she now wants the job of running it.
Check out TPM, Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic, Tapper from Political Punch and even the original source of the secessionist fun: The Alaskan Independence Party for all the fabulous details.
Ugh. And suing the current administration over environmental policies that she feels are too severe, wanting polar bears off the endangered list, I could go on.
Combined with McCain's knowledge of boxes of gas vs. gallons, computer skilz and more this duo is starting to look like a joke.
Posted by: Vicky | September 02, 2008 at 12:17 PM
I'm personally starting to love, love, LOVE Sarah Palin....I want to bake her some cookies.
"Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 48% of the vote while John McCain earns 43%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 51%, McCain 45%."
"This is the highest level of support enjoyed by Obama at any point in Election 2008."
Posted by: Kristin | September 02, 2008 at 01:04 PM
REALLY! Awesome!! Lets see, 47 % before the DNC + 5% average increase after each DNC = 52%, leaving him behind anyway you look at it.
Hi Jo-Jo. Hey my grammar wasn't up to par for you, how about my math? And by the way, those weren't names they were adjectives, but thanks for the effort.
What I love is how much you all HATE Sarah Palin because she is exactly the kind of woman you would like to be. "Would Like to be" being the key words, I had to delete "could be". BIG HUG!!
Posted by: Ron Ross | September 02, 2008 at 04:43 PM
I was merely pointing out that if you're rude enough to call someone dumb; you better be sure that you're above reproach.
As for hating Sarah Palin, I do not recall anyone saying that they hate her. We simply disagree her. Although judging from the tone of your comments, I'm not surprised that this concept is lost on you. You see, many people are able to disagree and engage in debate without resorting to rude comments and name calling. But when your argument is so thin that it's nonexistent, I guess there are only two choices: attack those who disagree or take your ball and go home. It seems that you employ the former method while your fearful leader employs the latter. (
Posted by: Jo-Ann | September 02, 2008 at 05:34 PM
Oh, my God. If I woke up as Sarah Palin tomorrow, I would have to go find a bottle of vodka, a "save the polar bears" t-shirt, a totally cute chick, and do whatever came creatively to get her out of my system.
Posted by: Kristin | September 02, 2008 at 06:30 PM