Here are some advance snippets of the interview which airs tonight on 20/20:
On Iraq War being "God's plan" (Like she knew that was an Abraham Lincoln quote. Sarah--please, give credit where credit is due: your handlers know how to research quotes on Google and that one happened to explain away your freaky extremist fundamentalism beliefs nicely. Or so you hope.)
Not knowing what Bush's Doctrine is, contradicting McCain on Pakistan (Hey Sarah, saying Charlie's name over and over only makes you sound like a slimy used-car salesperson trying to swindle a customer into...oh, wait.)
nice title! heh
Posted by: rebecca | September 11, 2008 at 06:14 PM
And did we mention that she didn't know what the Bush Doctrine is? Did we? Right, we did. But it bears repeating. This woman did not know the meaning of the phrase "Bush Doctrine," and after asking more than once trying to give her the chance to accidentally hit upon the right answer, poor Charlie Gibson finally had to just define it for her.
I also loved that when he asked her about her dealings with Russia as Alaska's governor, she answered that you can see Russia's coastline from parts of Alaska.
Bring on the V.P. debate. Bring it ON.
Posted by: jaelithe | September 11, 2008 at 06:41 PM
Anybody else think she sounds like she's talking to Charlie the Unicorn?
Posted by: Jessica Kerr | September 11, 2008 at 06:58 PM
OMG I'm not even that politically savy and I knew what the Bush Doctrine was. That's really scary!
Posted by: kirsty | September 11, 2008 at 07:15 PM
And the winking! During the interview! Oh my goodness. People who wink while speaking cannot be trusted.
Posted by: Pamela | September 12, 2008 at 01:43 PM
Saying Charlie's name over and over is a sound bite trick; the politician hopes that the interviewer will be egotistic enough to use all the qultes that include his/her name rather than the substance when they finally edit the interview.
Sarah, it didn't work. Do your research.
Posted by: Daisy | September 13, 2008 at 09:42 AM