I leave town tomorrow for an international trip that will keep me out
of the country until November 14. So alongside "buy toothpaste," on my
list of things to do today was "vote."
You can vote early in person in Santa Clara County, so right after my
son's soccer game, off I went. The County Registrar of Voters is about
15 miles away from where I live, and I felt tears come as I made my
way off the highway toward the large government office building. It
was 10am on this Saturday morning. And already there was a line.
I asked the security guard to take this picture of me and he gladly
obliged. Minutes later a kind but firm official informed me that under
California law, campaign materials are prohibited within 100 feet of
the voting booth and my t-shirt is considered campaign materials. I
said I'd heard about that but thought it was an Internet hoax. He
smiled and said, "Nope, it's California law." So I said, "well it's
important to follow California law" and then I scooted off to the
bathroom to turn my shirt inside out. I'm not here to argue the finer
points of what makes something campaign materials, I'm here to vote.
And vote I did.
It's kindof anti-climactic, at least for me anyway. The person next to
me probably got a kick out of the fact that I spent just as much time
photographing my marked ballot as I did voting.
Corny, I know but I just wanted a record. Something to show my
grandkids, "Yes, I voted for the candidate who turned out to be the
first black president of the United States."
Obama. I voted for him today. For our future as a nation. For my Dad.
And for me.
Photographing the ballot... what a great idea. Thanks!
Posted by: sandy | October 25, 2008 at 11:32 AM
Hi Everyone...
I also had to remove my button. I took the following information from Obama's website for any who may need to view it. VOTE OBAMA 08!!
Campaign Gear and the Polls
Any registered voter who meets his or her state’s requirements to vote has the right to cast a ballot at the polls on Election Day.
It is true that in some states, like Nebraska, Virginia, and New York, wearing campaign gear is not allowed at the polls. But no matter what, your vote cannot be taken away from you. At most, you will have to take off a button or put a jacket over a T-shirt. You will still be allowed to vote. Check with your state’s Secretary of State’s office to learn more.
Political experts are already calling deceptive email rumors to the contrary for what they are — shadowy, harmful voter suppression techniques:
Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, called the barrage of e-mails “a dirty trick” aimed at suppressing Democratic voters. “It is terribly wrong,” Sabato said. “Tragically, it is all too common. One would hope the people responsible could be caught and prosecuted.”
Since different states have different rules, you should direct any questions to your state’s Secretary of State or county election officials. Election officials in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina have already issued statements reaffirming that wearing campaign gear will not keep anyone from voting.
Don’t let these email rumors keep you from voting or showing your support for Barack.
Posted by: Catherine | October 25, 2008 at 12:26 PM
I'm glad to know I'm not alone! My husband and I made it a family affair on the first day of early voting here in Georgia. We took our 2.5 year old son with us and the best part was taking a picture of his little fingers voting for Barack Obama on the ballot! I'll frame it for him one day=)
Posted by: Jen Bhagia | October 25, 2008 at 03:13 PM
Awesome! I love that you took pics! I heard that my county in PA is going to be enforcing that same law. A while back I made the baby a tee w/ the obama logo w/ a check mark filled with text that reads "I may be too young to vote, but you're never too youung to..." and below that it says in larger letters HOPE. (okay, probably easier if I had just linked to a pic, huh? Anywho, I'm wondering if he wears the tee on election day if he will be the first 1yo arrested for electioneering? ;-) I'll be snapping iPhone pics in any case! I might have to do draw straws to see which of my three kids will push the button with me.
Posted by: HeatherK | October 25, 2008 at 04:48 PM
The pictures say it all - fabulous. I hope you've got your camera ready for the victory speech on November 4.
Posted by: Mom101 | October 25, 2008 at 09:49 PM
Hi Everyone,
I early voted in Chicago Heights, Il.
I wore my Barack Shirt, they let me vote with no questions. After I finished voting, the officials pulled me to the side and told me that it was against the law to wear campaign items. I had my regular t-shirt in the car, had they asked me to take Barack's shirt off. I was aware of the law, but I though it was just an internet rumor...but yes indeed in Illinois they say it's LAW! Please do let others know, as I did.
GO Obama/Biden!
Posted by: Shanya Fullerton-Ingram | October 26, 2008 at 08:43 AM
I envy you guys who've moved into the late 20th century and beyong for voting. My state's solidly in the 19th. I'm lucky they don't make us bring a cow in for milking at the same time.
Posted by: bill | October 26, 2008 at 06:01 PM
I voted in Virginia on the 16th, as I will be in Georgia on election day.
It was a warm day in Virginia, but I took a jacket, because the Hatch act says that I can't do anything political while I am in uniform.
Posted by: Gunfighter | October 27, 2008 at 03:42 AM
I live in Louisiana, and planned on wearing my Obama Mama shirt, I'll have to check and see if it is OK. Love the picture idea, too!
Posted by: Georgette | October 27, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Corny, I know but I just wanted a record. Something to show my
grandkids, "Yes, I voted for the candidate who turned out to be the
first black president of the United States."
Im glad you are proud to say you voted based on skin color. The double standard is sickening. But class and race war is pretty much the 101 class of the socialist.
Just another in the list of leftists in this hemisphere offering handouts and welfare-like programs to win votes. Castro, Chavez, Morales, Obrador, Lula
All leftists, all promotoe the welfare state, all USE the poor to promote their control over a nation.
If only the chanting Obama crowds knew how badly they are being used.
Socialism is slavery people....You sell your vote for some peanuts....
What a proud moment for you.
What happens when the people actually paying taxes leave and the breadlines run out?
Posted by: mike | November 01, 2008 at 04:26 PM