At a town hall meeting yesterday, a concerned voter asked that great energy expert, Sarah Palin, whether it was true that 75% of Alaska's oil was shipped overseas. Her answer?
No, "It's not 75%...because Congress is pretty strict on, um, export bans of oil and gas especially."
Actually, there are no congressional bans of, um, oil and gas especially, and there haven't been since Palin has been in political office according to the AP. In fact, there have been zero oil exports from Alaska since 2004. In other words, Sarah "drill, screw the baby polar bears, drill" Palin is entirely clueless about her own state's oil exports and the laws that govern them.
I think this would be a good time for McCain to stop turning to her for advice on energy issues. Or at least to stop claiming that he does.
Is there really anyone left who thinks these two yoyos are capable of getting us out of
the current energy crisis, let alone the economic, foreign relations
and military ones? Really?
h/t huffpo
Liz Gumbinner is slated to neglect her personal blog, Mom-101, until pretty much November 5.
Oh dear lord. Does she know anything then? I bet she could tell me how to get a strapless dress to stay up during a beauty pageant. Or how to tape my ass cheeks together during the swimsuit competition.
Was that bitchy?
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | October 10, 2008 at 08:07 AM
She really should have kept the gloves on. These cans of whup ass are way too much for her to handle.
Posted by: Queen of Spain | October 10, 2008 at 08:17 AM
At this point, McPalin supporters don't give a damn about this kind of stuff. As long as McPalin is against abortion and for Christian dominance in government, McPalin can say anything they want to (even if it's proven to not be accurate). That is what's so scary about this election. Idiots could end up running our government because of one single issue.
Posted by: Mamasphere | October 10, 2008 at 08:23 AM
I woke up this morning w a very clear sense of McFailin, er, Palin; when she said she was a pitbull in her introductory speech at the RNC? she meant it. she's willing to tear into "her opponent's" flesh, tear him apart. she'll say anything under the sun; hence the current rabble-rousing re: bigotry - the pronounced kind. the whipping-up of the hidden KKkrowd masquerading as family-values voters (not everyone in the Republican party, but enough). the good ol' boys' club. her willingness to pitbull it up as the vp-nom is EXACTLY why they selected her, make no mistake. this is where it was gonna go, bc THEY CANNOT RUN ON ANYTHING ELSE, as they, themselves, have already pointed out.
Posted by: lildb | October 10, 2008 at 09:54 AM
When your energy plan consists of 3 words, two of which are repeated, then...clearly, you suck.
Can someone tell this So You Think You Can Govern contestant that her 15 minutes are almost up?
Posted by: cynematic | October 10, 2008 at 10:49 AM
I've been waiting for her to show her "expertise" in energy issues, and had been unimpressed even before you posted that quote. Damn, I'm scared, even though the poll numbers have Obama/Biden ahead. It ain't over til it's over, and if these guys get in, it will REALLY be over.
Posted by: Donna | October 10, 2008 at 10:55 AM
I'm with you Donna. It ain't over til it's over. But even then I am scared they will find some way to steal another election from us.
Posted by: Karen | October 10, 2008 at 11:29 AM