The Honorable Nick Lampson is the current representative for Texas Congressional District 22. His opponent, Pete Olson, is a young former Navy pilot who has worked for and been mentored by Texas Senators Phil Gramm and John Cornyn.
Tonight I'll be covering their debate at the Bay Oaks Country Club live.
The debate is sponsored by the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, a member-driven organization that provides the leadership to stimulate regional economic development and employment.
Each candidate gets 2 1/2 minutes for opening remarks and gets 2 minutes to answer a total of seven or eight questions.
Opening remarks are beginning...
(Polite applause for Lampson at introductions and wild calls and applause for Olson.)
The moderator is Dr. William A Staples, President, University of Houston-Clear Lake.
The questions were suggested by members of the BAHEP, and final questions were selected by the BAHEP board committee members.
In the introduction, Dr. Staples emphasizes Lampson's emphasis on the importance of education and the space program. The space and aeronautics industry is a mainstay of the Bay Area.
Dr. Staples then introduces Pete Olson, beginning with his education at Rice and UT Austin (law degree). Olson was a naval aviator, and a Senate Liaison.
Pete Olson opened first:
Olson wants to stop failed leadership and broken promises coming from Washington. He began his campaign with that one goal. Olson reiterated his education and curriculum vitae. He says Lampson has a history of broken promises. He says he would support issues in Washington that he supports today.
He uses an euphemism to state his support for drill here, drill now.
He remained vague and made no mention of his support for the Defense of Marriage Act, or his other conservative agenda points.
The Honorable Nick Lampson, opening remarks:
Mr. Lampson took the time to thank the hosts, moderators, and his supporters including his wife Susan, who is here tonight.
He says it has been a privilege to serve District 22 for a decade. He wants to make a difference, particularly for science (his background is as a physical science teacher).
He reminds everyone of his over 600 Town Halls, as evidence of how he listens to his Constituents.
(Lampson was voted one of the most responsive advocates for his constituents, with the most constituent led motions.)
He promises to continue to work to support and build the economic interests of this region and to get past the partisan divide.
1st Q: do you support the increased funding for NASA, and do other countries space interests represent a threat to us?
(These are selected portions of their responses.)
Lampson: The technology we learned going to and from the moon is what protects us today. I lead the fight in Congress to put the $300 billion in the budget last year, and got past the budget this year.
In short: he supports the budget and believes the space program is critical.
Olson: I grew up here in the shadow of Johnson Space Center.
In short: he agrees with the goal of going to the moon, he supports budget increase, he believes there are national security interests here. He says Lampson is one of biggest spenders in Washington and cut NASA budget.
Lampson: Pete's been distorting my record. We still need $2.2 trillion to make up for it. Nobody can question my dedication to NASA. Chairman of Science and Technology Subcommittee.
2nd Q:What are the most important tech projects?
Olson: Credits Kay Bailey Hutchison with getting the $300 billion for NASA. He says it's unacceptable that Texas is a donor state (92 cents back for every dollar sent to DC.)
Lampson: Kay Bailey Hutchison works in the Senate, I work in the House. We must recognize what's going to happen in our region with growth. We need to discuss mass transit and rail. I'm one one of the leaders on Transportation Committee.
Dedicated to helping this region get what it needs.
Seniority, experience, relationships with key people on committees.
Olson: Those things don't count for much unless you work for Texas.
(Olson is spending more time talking about Lampson than himself, and his main points simply be to try to convince people Lampson isn't working for Texas, points which Lampson can refute easily in this debate.)
3. Illegal immigration
Lampson: Needs improvement. Trying to increase personnel. Get needed equipment.
In short: He wants to enable people who work in immigration to succeed, and help solve the problem of people already here while helping to stem the illegal problem.
His opponent crafted failed legislation that offered amnesty to illegal immigrants.
(he sounds very in the know about what his district needs.)
Olson: Wants to use the program from Irving, TX that has been successful finding and deporting illegal immigrants. He says Lampson supports sanctuary city programs, these encourage illegal immigration. Lampson's made promises and broken them.
Lampson: He continues to distort my record. I've supported and the SAVE Act and securing my border, even going against my party to make a difference on this issue. Do0n't distort the record---tell the truth.
(It's getting contentious.)
4. What would you do to decrease our dependence on foreign oil?
Olson: (Olson dodges question initially and goes negative in response to Nick's last point.) You doubt me? Go see
We need nuclear power, clean coal, and more. When we get this developed, we'll create 1000 jobs and decrease our dependence.
(And again he goes to negative saying Lampson has voted against expanding energy and alternative energy research, took $15 from clean coal and put $10 million into endowment for the arts.)
Lampson: Obviously we need to be dependent on ourselves. We need to expand our sources for energy. I'm Chairman for the Energy Subcommittee. I've lead the fight and worked bipartisan, we need to find real solutions.
He discusses wind, water, solar, biomass, drill, and more. He emphasizes his time spent working to unite parties to move forward.
He quotes the republican leader saying you need to go a long way to be as reliable as Nick Lampson,
Olson: That was the Republican leader joking
(Seriously---how is this useful? Why be that nasty? He's a young man, try to emphasize his skill and knowledge? The crowd boos and hisses and makes noises about Lampson and Pelosi. It's appalling.)
5. What steps would you take to secure our region's security?
Lampson pledges to put country ahead of party, and emphasizes again his goal to always work across the aisle, to get things done. he says you want to go for party, go for Olson. He says he wants to make this a safe place for his grandchildren.
Olson: Houston is only town that hits all 17 criteria for target per Homeland Security. After the 147th fighter was decommissioned, we have no more air protection.
He says he would fight to have a squadron permanently stationed att Ellington Field. He wants to grow it with personnel.
(Olson is strong on knowledge of military and security due to his experience.)
He says he knows what it takes to win these battles.
Lampson: Olson has talking points I have action. It's not realistic or practical to get his plan implemented. If we take the shot we can take, and the half loaf we prefer to be a full loaf, and we can keep the base intact and growing. I understand what the real needs are, and can work with appropriate people such as Chet Edwards. We can continue to grow Ellington Field.
6. Reduce cost or government?
Olson: Everybody in this room is taxed too much because our government spends too much. With the current economic crisis, we must maintain tax cuts from 2003 to keep our small business growing, Our current tax system is broken, and we need to get rid of the IRS completely, start fresh. We need to make Wash9ngton tighten their belts instead of us tighten ours.
(He then turns to Lampson, starts in on the negative of how Lampson is one of the biggest spenders in Washington. My question is---what makes anyone think this guy can do what he says? he's got no specific plan that he's shared, just emotional talking points.)
Lampson: We have to simplify the system, do things such as oppose the bailout, which I voted against twice. We need a fiscal conservative, I voted to cut taxes for the middle class, soldier and teacher deductions, cuts for small businesses. Our Congress hasn't held agencies accountable and we're spending, such as Bridge to Nowhere and topless bars. I've sought ways to eliminate abuse. I voted to eliminate first class travel for example.
Olson: I would have voted against the bailout too. But Lampson said he'd voted against it because it raised the federal debt, but he voted for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We need fiscal conservatives like me.
7. Universal health care
Lampson: Quality and affordable health must be available to all Texans, especially our most vulnerable, our children. My opponents opposes programs to provide health care for children.
He references the SCHIP bill, which passed and was vetoed. He says a healthy child is a happy child. He supports basic health care and preventive health care and says it ought to be there for all children. He says he tries to find a common ground solution.
Olson: it's good to be up here with such an experienced Congressman, and he artfully dodged the question. I am opposed to universal health care. It doesn't work.
He says he wants to allow self-employed people to deduct their health care costs, just like corporations can. He says small business is the biggest part of the economy and we need to support it.
(That's a good point, but then he went on to mischaracterized Obama's plan as universal health care, and said Lampson supports it.)
He says Lampson can't vote our values in DC.
Lampson: I did vote for the Patient Bill of Rights.
He says he did not vote for a health care plan that was full of problems. He says it doesn't get things done when we create partisan divide with extreme positions He sxays let's move back to legislation that is practical.
8. Most pressing problem facing Congress
Olson: (Honestly? I am sitting here and can't tell you what he said beyond criticism of bailout. And more about Lampson. Oh and a few fun ACORN references, chock full o'mistakes. In short, Olson is running for what? A Republican party spot?)
Lampson: These issues vary. The economy is the most important issue. We'll be addressing this problem for a good while.
The bigger question ought to be who will be more effective on issues?
He states that his seniority and work he's done, such as child protection issues 12 years ago, to his current work to find common ground solutions, whether it's economy, iraq, or health care, we can't solve them until we quit pushing the solutions to the extreme, and he says he's proved it by the cross-aisle work he's done.
He says he's proven to be an effective, independent leader.
He says you have to figure out whether you want an experienced leader who gets things done.
Olson says he's worked in DC for 10 years too and has many of the same contacts. He says he has his word to offer, and its his bond. He says what he tells people here is what he'll do in Washington.
Closing statements...
Olson hopes he's been respectful and showed how Lampson is a failed leader with a string of broken promises. He then goes on to talk and talk about Lampson, something about cut and fail and more in the same vein. he attributes Lampson as reason why Congress is reckless in spending and in debt. He claims the pattern in clear. he wants a public servant who doesn't think public means unlimited funding. He claims he'll be guided by firm principles, our principles. He asks whether people feel more secure about future now compared to two years ago. He says he'll fight for us, the overburdened and for the future.
Lampson says it's been a privilege to serve, he's enjoyed getting to know people, people who came to him because they knew he would help. He cites a specific example or a vet who needed a prosthetic leg, which he and his staff worked on for three days. He says elected representatives need to serve in many ways. He says if you touch the life of one person you touch the soul of mankind, and that's what this job is and provides. Without naming names, Lampson reminds the audience of the corrupt DeLay, who contributed much to the problems here and in Congress. He reminds everyone of how much he has served people here, and he asks people to ignore the distortion and pay attention to his record, and that he is sincere in his service. Lampson says people endorse him, business interests endorse his opponent. he says if you want a new way to do business in DC, he's worked his heart out in that effort and he won't let up. We'll have a better life because of it. He wants your vote for a better tomorrow.
That concludes the debate.
(In all honesty, Lampson should be counted as winner. He spoke clearly about his record, cited specific exmaples, included information about his methods. Olson sounded like the same tired old negative campaigner. He could have been any Republican in any state, practically. It was a negative script, and he inserted local details.)
First time I've heard Olson speak -- what an awful experience that was. The man wouldn't stop talking about Lampson. He seemed incredibly angry
Posted by: Magdaline | October 20, 2008 at 05:46 PM
Wow, my mild support of Lampson was wrong. Olson is Sarah Palin without the lipstick. Still wish Lampson would be a strong supporter of the environment but we need to keep these GOP attackbots out of office.
Posted by: Gary D | October 21, 2008 at 03:14 PM
Nick Lampson needs to be voted out of office. Why didn't he do something when the Fannie Mae scandals broke back in the 2004?? Accounting fraud, cooking the books - doesn't this sound at all familiar to you people that used to work for Enron or that knew people who used to work for Enron???? The same accounting issues were raised regarding Fannie Mae, and Nick Lampson was either sleeping on the job or worse - simply refused to do anything about it because he wanted to tow the party line with his Democratic cronies who squashed all attempts to add additional regulatory oversight to the mortgage industry. Now we, the American people, are left having to fork over $700 billion. $700 BILLION. Amazing. Deny Nick Lampson the privilege of continuing his representation of us in Congress - he no longer deserves it. VOTE FOR PETE OLSON FOR CONGRESS!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jackie | October 22, 2008 at 09:02 PM
What does Olson actually do for a living? He quit working for Cornyn in 2007 and he doesn't mention whether he's in good standing with the Texas Bar Association. Who's paying his bills? It's not on his website.
Also: I thought Ellington Field still had a manned squadron stationed there until the Predator drones replace them in one or two years. Olson definitely should have known that. He also doesn't give his rank as of his separation from the Navy or what his rank is in the Inactive Reserves.
Posted by: Max James | October 30, 2008 at 09:52 AM