If you are going to play guilt by association, you had better be prepared to take what you dish out. If you are going to have your yappy little attack dog (and I think it's safe to say that if you are going to spread exaggerated, racially-tinged smears, Sarah Palin, we can finally call you a bitch) try to link Barack Obama to crimes that another man committed when Obama was eight-years-old, then you'd better be able to withstand the shitstorm that is coming your way. Nice try, but we all know this is a sad attempt at a diversion because your campaign has no real solutions when it comes to fixing this country.
Which number of the Keating Five were you, huh, McCain? Was it 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5?
"Gloves off?" I gotchyer gloves off right here.
Does this mean we can finally talk about your callous treatment of your first wife? You were living with her and your three children when you met cheated on with Cindy then forced Wife #1 to divorce you so you could then use Cindy's money to back your future presidential bids?
Does it also mean we can talk about the rumor that Palin's thug son enlisted in the army to avoid jail time or that Bristol Palin is being forced to marry a self-professed "redneck" who didn't "want kids"? Could one of Obama's daughters have gotten away with marrying a loser like that? Oh hell to the naw. (Hey kids in Wasilla! Raise your hand if you've had to scrub your MySpace pages of drunken Bristol Palin photos!) Can we talk about Troopergate or ask why Todd Palin is copied on official government emails or learn more about Palin's own "witch-hunting" pastor problem whom she credits with helping her get elected governor?
See what a dangerous game this is? Two can play at this game, and while one person (our next president) will maintain his calm, even-temper while fighting the smears when he has to, I will be the one not being calm and even-tempered. I will be the one calling you an asshole. To your unevenly-Botoxed face.
A piece of advice for you, Senator Grumpy McComb-Over: stick to the issues. That's what Americans like me care about.
Watch the documentary, folks. Watch it carefully. Good-bye, McCain. You've just been swatted like the annoying gnat you are.
Yes We Can,
Note: The views expressed in this post are those of MOMocrats co-founder Stefania Pomponi Butler only and do not reflect those of the MOMocrats contributors unless they say so in the comments.
You might also want to look into McCain's ties to the US Council for World Freedom that Paul Begala brought up during Meet the Press Sunday.
Posted by: John J. | October 06, 2008 at 11:39 AM
Great post, Stefania! And don't forget Todd's past membership in the AIP, along with Sarah's very cozy welcome video (as governor) for their annual convention. By Barbie's own guilt by association logic, that makes HER a traitor, too.
So yeah, I guess Obama DOESN"T love his country like you do, traitor!
Oh---and Krusty's assistance in covering up his wife's addiction and drug theft from her own non-profit.
Posted by: zumpie | October 06, 2008 at 12:21 PM
And then we complain about Rush... What's next, claiming that McCain eats babies?
To the rest of you girls: you are damaging your reputation by sharing your views in the same site that posted this.
Posted by: hibikir | October 06, 2008 at 12:32 PM
hibikir, except for Track's enlistment in the military (which might well yet prove true) all of these things are well documented facts. And Krusty and Bible Spice started this ill-advised mud slinging---and were also assured if they continued the Obama campaign would respond in kind.
Why are you so offended by revealing the truth?
Posted by: zumpie | October 06, 2008 at 12:50 PM
Zumpie, its pretty easy to confuse "truth" with "truthiness" :)
And well said, Stefania.
Posted by: Nicole | October 06, 2008 at 01:25 PM
Hibikr: thanks for your concern but no thanks.
McCain's campaign has lain with dogs so long, even his fleas have fleas. So much for McCain's promise to conduct an upright, truthful campaign.
Posted by: cynematic | October 06, 2008 at 01:30 PM
Hibikir, you prove my point. Should the race come to this? No. But if the Palin-Limbaugh-Malkin-Coulter-McCain machine is going to play dirty, I'll be happy to meet 'em head on. Bring it. Srsly.
Posted by: Stefania/CityMama | October 06, 2008 at 01:49 PM
Great post. Our economy is in the toilet and McCain and Palin are trying to divert us all w/ dirty, sleazy tactics. I am so tired of this crap.
Posted by: pamela | October 06, 2008 at 01:56 PM
Wow, Kiley, that comment has to win some kind of prize for poor spelling, and utter inanity, and you've got some pretty stiff competition here from the rest of the GOP apologists who come here. It's no wonder you think Sarah Palin is "smart". "Predigest"? Are you saying Rev. Wright is a cannibal? Now that's low even for the normal lying McCainiacs.
As for Teddy Roosevelt, he was among the youngest men to take the office of President, at age 43. Ronald Reagan was the oldest President elected at 69 when he took office, which is 3 years younger that John McCain is now. Reagan started showing signs of Altzheimers in his second term. So, yes, age is a factor, as is judgment.
Posted by: Glennia | October 06, 2008 at 02:00 PM
I love you when you get all truthful Stefania.
Although you left out McCain's good pal, convicted terrorist G Gordon Liddy.
Posted by: mom101 | October 06, 2008 at 02:17 PM
I would love nothing better than to focus on the very real problems of our economy and position in a dangerous world. But when the other side chooses to rile their base by saying that Obama "pals around with terrorists" -- well, as you point out, McCain's seven houses are made of glass.
Posted by: Donna | October 06, 2008 at 04:55 PM
Ooooh, girl... you bitch-slapped his ass good! Another great post, Stefania!
Posted by: twizzle | October 06, 2008 at 04:57 PM
this is just the post i needed to read after the political discussions i've had today. seriously, much gratitude!
Posted by: rebecca | October 06, 2008 at 05:00 PM
Great post. Gloves are off. And can you bitch slap that hateful little blonde from "The View" while you're at it?
All the McCain ammunition you need is right here in the latest issue of Rolling Stone, on newstands now with the cover story "John McCain: Make Believe Maverick". Read it at the link below
Posted by: Kate | October 06, 2008 at 05:56 PM
I've hesitated disliking Palin on a personal level, but she really makes it very hard not to. They have no shame, none whatsoever and I hope that the two of them fade into oblivion on November 5th.
Posted by: Natalie | October 06, 2008 at 05:59 PM
Stefania~ we hate it when you hold back, tell us how you really feel!
Great post!
Posted by: Halimah | October 06, 2008 at 07:27 PM
I would like to take this opportunity to associate myself with the remarks made by Stefania... and so does Mrs. Gunfighter.
Hey Stefania, you know I heart you, right?
Posted by: Gunfighter | October 07, 2008 at 03:29 AM
have you seen the articles in Huff Post about the hatred and bigotry the McCain/Palin rallies are generating? "terrorist" "kill him" "treason" WTF?
I am more concerned about associating with all the "regular people" who are supporting that ticket. I will gladly sully my "reputation" with the spirited bloggers here!
Posted by: Karen | October 07, 2008 at 09:36 AM
Well, now I just have to post b/c hibikr called me out. I'm proud to be associated with Stefania, her post, and every MOMocrat.
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | October 07, 2008 at 12:49 PM
"To the rest of you girls"
So hibikir, was that intentional condescension, or just oblivious Repugnicanism to diminish us by saying "girls", instead of "women" or simply "To the rest of you" ...Hmm?
Great post, Stefania!
Posted by: Al_Pal | October 07, 2008 at 03:46 PM
This is the best post I have read in months... thank you Stefania. You just said what so many of us have been thinking.
Posted by: Jill Asher | October 07, 2008 at 10:22 PM