I know the economic crisis is looming large for all of us. But as October begins, so too is the Supreme Court’s fall term.
In the upcoming term, SCOTUS will be considering a number of cases important to women and their families:
- AT&T
v. Hulteen: Should women who took maternity leave before the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was enacted get credit for their leave time when calculating retirement benefits?
- Crawford v. Nashville: Are women who cooperate with their employer’s sexual harassment investigation protected from retaliation under Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
- Fitzgerald v. Barnstable: Can women who file discrimination claims under Title IX file claims under Section 1983?
Why I am
mentioning this? Well, it seems Sarah Palin has no real opinion about the Supreme Court. I mean, she can’t name any decisions that she disagrees with
– maybe she’ll round them up and bring ‘em to us real soon?
She couldn’t even go for something easy like Plessy v. Ferguson? Or Lochner?
Forgive my eye rolling. Or, on second thought, don’t. SCOTUS is a very real campaign issue, what with John Paul Stevens turning 89 this April, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg (my daughter’s namesake) turning 76, and it isn’t as though David Souter or Anthony Kennedy are wise-cracking youngsters either.
So, please heed Michelle Obama’s call and register to vote. And then vote for the candidate and his running mate who actually seem to be able to string words together about one of the most storied institutions in America.
Excellent post, Melissa! I think we see how deep (or shallow) Palin's knowledge of American governance and democratic institutions are.
Posted by: cynematic | October 02, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Oh dear, that comment wasn't remotely grammatical. Fitting, given the person discussed?
Anyway, y'all get my drift. Comment in haste, repent at leisure.
Posted by: cynematic | October 02, 2008 at 10:43 AM
Biden went on far too long in the first question. He had great substance but he sort of loses the audience along the way. On the other hand his command of the issues is amazing. His church/state answer was beautiful. Hers...
I'm trying to think of a synonym for retarded that's more PC.
Posted by: mom101 | October 02, 2008 at 11:28 AM