Some fabulous MOMocrat, cough*Glennia*cough, had the fabulous idea to host MOMocrats debate watch parties all over the country for the vice presidential debate between Joe "El Dog" Biden and Sara "Pitbull" Palin. She brilliantly coined a catchy title: "Read My Lipstick: I'm Voting for Obama/Biden" and we were set.
I decided that we needed to have a Read My Lipstick watch party here in Hampton Roads and enlisted the help of my fellow Blue Star Family for Obama members, Vivian and Casey, to co-host. In a few days, we had a location (see picture), a press release, local politicians, banners, signs, stickers, and lots of interest.
Because BSF4O has recently begun live blogging the debates, we decided we had to make that happen despite being in a bar with no wifi. An anonymous donor came to our rescue with a wonderful little wireless router outfitted with a broadband card. Between that, our 80 foot extension cord, my squid, and 4 laptops, we looked like we were ready to host Cheney's next "undisclosed" command and control center.
Setting up before the watch party.
Despite reserving rooms that would accommodate 100 people at the bar, people were packed in!
A true friend to Virginia military veterans, Del. Joe Bouchard, fired up the crowd. Loudly. Even with no microphone. He pointed out that McCain has consistently voted against veterans funding and now wants those same people to vote for him. "They must think we're stupid. A bunch of Palin people!"
Congressional candidate Glenn Nye showed up just in time to lead us into the main event:
Now on to the substance:
Because I'm so damn late in posting this, pretty much everything has been said. But here are a few of my random observations jotted down during the debate:
- Sarah Palin memorizes lines well.
- I hate her hair. What the hell does she do to it?
- Joe Biden is too much of a gentleman, but he handles her well. When she smiles and lobs a zinger, he smiles right back and laughs at her. That's the best way to handle someone like that.
- Joe may be a gentleman, but Sarah is not a lady. What was that crack about Jill Biden being a school teacher? Sarah seems to show an amazing disdain for anyone who actually values higher education. Oh, and Governor, Jill Biden is Doctor Biden to you.
- Even worse, Palin says that Jill will be rewarded in heaven for teaching. Completely inappropriate comment considering what happened to the first Mrs. Biden.
- Dear lord, if Palin ignores the question to talk about "energy" or being a "maverick" one more time, I may run screeching from my own watch party!
- And there she goes again. Clear a path!
- Love how the lovely little lines on CNN go down, down, down whenever Palin calls herself a maverick!
- And it gets even better. Joe Biden shows his humanity and nearly breaks down talking about raising those two boys alone and not knowing if they would make it after the car accident that killed his wife and daughter. So, of course, Palin goes right back to talking about being a Maverick. Sorry, but she's a stone cold bitch. Apparently the McCain campaign forgot to write "empathy" into her talking points.
- Love how Palin has to read from her notes when she gets an unexpected question about the role of the VP.
- Ooooooh, she AGREES with Dick Cheney! And Biden knocks it on home with, "Dick Cheney is the most dangerous vice president in history." Way to go, Joe!
Well, the watch party was a raging success. And unless you're a Republican who blindly thinks whatever the party tells you too, you know that Biden wiped the floor with Sarah's ... lipstick.
The organizers after the party.
That was a lot of fun to read! Thanks, Lawyer Mama!
Posted by: GraceD | October 06, 2008 at 08:32 PM
You're amazing for putting together an event like that. Wireless router and all.
Posted by: mom101 | October 07, 2008 at 09:24 AM
Sarah Palin's first priority if she takes office will be to get that glass ceiling fixed. It must have 18 million cracks in it.
Posted by: Wily Trax | October 07, 2008 at 11:56 AM