Here is a brief roundup of some of the voting rights news from across the country these past few days.
These updates will be passed along as we get them.
H/T: Alan Boswell of Election Protection. Election Protection’s non-partisan 866-OUR-VOTE hotline is the voters’ place to go for any and all questions relating to voting as well as to report any voting problems. Go to to learn more.
The same-day registration window has come and gone in Ohio, but the legal battles keep chugging along. Hamilton County prosecutor Joseph T. Deters subpoenaed the county elections board for the records of 266 new voters who cast absentee ballots during the week-long election-day registration period, claiming there were problems with addresses and identities. On top of that, there has been a web site breach, a state supreme court recusal, and gubernatorial accusations of “scare tactics.” Just another day in Ohio.
Both Democrats and Republicans are accusing one another of encouraging voter fraud. Now the House and Senate are getting in on the action as Judiciary Committee members – Republican and Democrat – in both chambers issued letters demanding investigations into alleged intimidation or fraud. An actual arrest for voter fraud has occurred in California, where a man fraudulently registered in his boyhood home to meet a law requiring that all the signature gatherers in his company were registered in the state.
Many West Virginians were outraged when they attempted to cast an early ballot but found that their choice “jumped” to the another candidate on the touch-screen, prompting officials to urge voters to re-check their selections before submitting their ballots.
With early voting open in the majority of states, problems and long lines have already begun to crop up. In Florida, many waited 30 minutes to an hour to cast a ballot, in part thanks to mechanical glitches. Poll workers in some spots went out of their way to make sure the waits were comfortable.
As deceitful flyers and robocalls have given way to false emails and websites aimed at confusing and intimidating voters, Election Protection and its allies are addressing the issue head on. Yesterday, a report was released by Common Cause, The Century Foundation and The Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Entitled Deceptive Practices 2.0: Legal And Policy Responses. You can read more about the release of this report here.
Two of Colorado’s biggest counties – Larimer and Jefferson – have been accepting voter registration forms in opposition to Secretary of State Mike Coffman’s ruling to disqualify them based on the applicants’ failure to check a small box.
In Texas, early voting has begun and officials are predicting record turnout and problems for newly registered voters due to paperwork backlogs from the influx of new voters.
Voter intimidation is exacerbated by ignorance of polling rules. In my real and professional life, I produced a Public Service Announcement for radio.
It is non-partisan and a good reminder for voters. Please view (video version) at my blog and share.
Keep up the good work, Momocrat! (t-minus 14 days)
Posted by: whysone | October 21, 2008 at 08:09 PM