I knew there were people in America who would never vote for Barack Obama, but I didn't realize the level of sheer hatred that's out there. I'm truly scared. We should all be scared. Between this and what's going on with the economy, it might be time to find another country. Oh, wait, I can't afford that anymore.
I don't think I can watch.
Posted by: Tina | October 09, 2008 at 12:37 PM
I did watch...and now I am ill.
That nasty crap they are peddling is working and
these neanderthals are going to vote, people.
Make sure your voice is heard too - VOTE!!
Posted by: Karen | October 09, 2008 at 12:45 PM
I haven't felt rage like this, after viewing all that hatred on display, for a long while.
But you know what? Even bigots get sick. Have a run of bad economic luck. Need a good job. Want to send their kids to college.
And even bigots will have their lives bettered under an Obama-Biden administration.
Too bad they can't see past the race of the man who will work to get those things for them. Too bad they'd rather rely on the lies and distortions the McCain-Palin campaign feeds them. Too bad those children are being taught to hate.
There's more than a grain of truth in McCain's misspoken words when addressing the crowd in his stump speech: "my fellow prisoners." There's no clearer illustration of who's caged by useless, hate-filled thinking than these McCain-Palin supporters.
Posted by: cynematic | October 09, 2008 at 12:58 PM
I am SHAKING with rage right now. SHAKING.
This is our country too, dammit! Who the FUCK do they think they are? All those privileged white people claiming to be Christians spewing hatred, judgment and intolerance.
THOSE PEOPLE (yeah, I said it) are what's wrong with this country. THOSE PEOPLE are why I will work myself to the bone until November 4th. I don't want my children to grow up in a world where THOSE PEOPLE make the rules.
Posted by: Lawyer Mama | October 09, 2008 at 01:28 PM
I'm ashamed to call those people my countrymen.
Then again, they probably wouldn't look at me and think of me as American, either.
Posted by: Donna | October 09, 2008 at 01:29 PM
I wish I could say that I am surprised by this show of outright ignorance. Unfortunately, I have been worn completely numb in my 33 years of being here.
I am actually leaving at the beginning of next year. While I have some mixed feelings about it in certain respects, when I see rubbish like that, I am proud to go.
I only hope my votes next month will leave this country better off than it is now.
Sadly, the evil will never go away. It is passed down from generation to generation. Those poor schmucks are a product of their environment. As much as I would love to hate them, I really only feel sorry for them and wish they were more educated.
Posted by: Heather J | October 09, 2008 at 02:03 PM
THESE are the people who relate to Sarah Palin. THIS is the McCain/Palin base. The Joe Sixpacks if you must. Maybe these are the people who call me "elitist." As it turns out I AM better than they are. And I'm okay with that.
Posted by: Maggie | October 09, 2008 at 02:29 PM
"His name says it all..."
"He's a Muslim" as if that automatically means terrorist.
And all the rest.
Even if that was a small sampling of the extra special crazies in the crowd...that's not a group I'd like to be a member of.
Posted by: Julie Pippert | October 09, 2008 at 03:19 PM
UGH. I despise that blond woman in the first video. How do they know realize what they are saying, and how it sounds??? If Obama is a terrorist, why did everyone make such a big deal about his spiritual advisor, REVEREND Wright? And, umm, a woman who is raped should either DIE or "pay double" for her own rape kit???? WHAT????? I have to stop watching these...
Posted by: JZMom | October 09, 2008 at 04:12 PM
SHeer Hatred??? Funny how quick a liberal can say that of a Conservative, yet slander non-stop the very person they are talking about, even say they Hate them. Isn't that the Pot calling the kettle black? Yes it is. Oh gosh golly, forgive me for saying the "b" word, I didn't mean to imply something of hatred. You are some sad sad people in here to be caught up in yourselves. YOu can't even get out and listen to the other side, its to secure to just hang out in here telling one another how wonderful your candidate is and giving each other warm fuzzies.
Posted by: William | October 09, 2008 at 04:27 PM
HAHA!!! That guy asking the "Mob" those questions was a Goober!! GREAT Representative of the Party he was. LOL. He asked questions that equivilated to that of an 8th graders debate. Big Whoop! when they first heard of one candidate or the other. Honestly, when I first heard of Obama early this year, and seen him on TV, I was impressed with him. For about two months I was. Then after I began my research, looking into his credentials and his background, it became very apparent he was neither qualified or deserving of the position of President of The UNITED STATES.
Honestly, ALL of you have fallen for this man because he is such an elegant individual. He speaks very kind mannered. Smiles very nice. Has lots and lots of great intentions he wants to do if elected. But bottom line, he is not qualified. ANd by that I mean he hasn't paid his dues. Hillary would have Won this(as sad as that is to say). Edwards could have won it(if we could keep him outta the brothels). Or any other democrat candidate with strong moral and political background. But Barrack Obama is not a upstanding person, whether your ready to face that truth or not. Delete this blog if it makes you feel better, but you've read the truth.
The good thing, there are 14 candidates on the ticket. You don't need to pick a Republican if you don't want. But even Ralph Nader (what an oddball that one is) is at least 'almost' qualified.
Posted by: William | October 09, 2008 at 04:44 PM
If those are the people voting for McCain/Palin, well that just confirms for me that I'm voting for the right guy because those folks can't be on the right side. What's most upsetting is that in all those clips, I never saw anyone among the McCain supporters suggest to the rabid ones that they should be quiet or at least tone it down some.
Oh, and for all those McCain supporters at the rally in the final clip who were shouting "get a job" to the Obama folk: Don't you people have jobs you should be at?
Posted by: Sarah | October 09, 2008 at 04:48 PM
....Beating head on keyboard... That was horrifying. I wonder how many of those people have read either of Obama's books? My guess would be none.
Posted by: Halimah | October 09, 2008 at 05:30 PM
@Sarah... is it more true because he wrote it in a book than it is because he says it aloud? Hes a crook raised in Chicago Mechanic politics that says whatever he has to say to make the people like him. Don't ruin you keyboard, just use the book to hit yourself repeatedly with, maybe eventually you'll knock some sense into yourself.
Posted by: William | October 09, 2008 at 06:10 PM
@Sarah.. My Error, I apologize... I read the wrong line. That was directed @ HALIMAH
Posted by: William | October 09, 2008 at 06:22 PM
So William, will you be voting for John McCain, Cynthia Kinney, Ron Paul, or perhaps perennial favorite Lyndon Larouche?
I'd be curious to know which of the above is the most qualified in your eyes, and why?
Posted by: cynematic | October 10, 2008 at 12:11 AM
I live among these people. This does not surprise me. But no matter how many times I see willful ignorance and hatred, it never fails to make me sad.
Posted by: jaelithe | October 10, 2008 at 09:55 AM
@cyn sorry for the delay, but to answer your question I've not decided who I am voting for, only who I am NOT voting for, which as I pointed out before I won't vote for a person that isn't Qualified, who does not deserve or and who has not earned the title PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. That position is far to important to give to a person that appears to have fallen from the stars and promises the world to everyone. You have to EARN it first.
Posted by: William | October 11, 2008 at 08:41 AM
William (can I call you Bill? You remind me of someone), in that case since no one meets your high standards, you might as well stay home. Because by your criteria, if Obama hasn't qualified, neither has McCain.
And I can see you DEFINITELY won't be voting for Palin, now or ever, with those criteria.
Posted by: cynematic | October 11, 2008 at 03:42 PM
You know what Cyn, YOU are more qualified than Obama is, and definately MORE Deserving. That isn't saying a lot, but it also isn't far from the truth. Truth, you know what that is don't you? First think OBAMA... then think Opposite. :-)
Posted by: William | October 11, 2008 at 04:36 PM
very disturbing. And angry and completely incoherent. I am glad I live in Marrakech.
Posted by: maryam in marrakech | October 18, 2008 at 05:12 AM