Watch this video clip of Michelle Obama visiting a girls' school and have a stack of hankies at the ready.
She makes me proud to be a woman, proud to be a mother, proud to be a mother of daughters, and proud to be an American.
Michelle Obama, with your "quiet strength and dignity," you are a shining, beaming symbol of hope that girls can be anything they wish to be. But more than that, you are a modern day living Lady Liberty who represents to world everything that is so great about our country. We can come from modest means, work hard, use our intellect and creativity to follow our dreams, and end up being an inspiration in the process. In these trying times, while your husband works to clean up the mess he inherited, you are our reassurance that everything is going to be okay.
Like you, we MOMocrats are educated women who are moms-in-chief. We feel no shame in staying home if we have to stay home or working if we have to work. Our children, like yours, will benefit from our smarts, values, and good judgment. You've shown us how important it is for children to have a place to play (where their lucky father can see them from his office), to plant own food so that our children can know where their produce comes from (and to grow extra to share), and you've shown us how to have compassion for others.
I feel the love you have for the people of this country every time you smile. I never knew how much we needed you to be our First Lady until I saw the Queen of England put her arm around you. Thank you, Mrs. Obama.
—Stefania Pomponi Butler
Well put! I find myself increasingly annoyed by the articles that focus solely on what Michelle Obama is wearing. Frankly, I don't care if she's wearing sleeves. She's got her metaphorical ones rolled up and that's what matters.
Posted by: Dana | April 03, 2009 at 07:01 PM