Moderators: Jaelithe Judy, Julie Pippert, Joanne Bamberger & Cynematic of MOMocrats
Fem2.0 Twittercast: Feminism is Where You Are/What You Do
Sunday, May 24, 2009, 10 PM EST
We'll be using Cover-it-Live to live chat (more than 140 characters allowed, hurray!) and also pull in tweets from Twitter tagged #fem2.
Today, we're joining up with the folks at Fem2.0 to continue the discussion from last week, which started with the discussion of feminism, moms who blog, the feminist blogosphere, and what intersection there is among all three.
To start the conversation, we have a beautiful post by a GrandMOMocrat (who happens to be MOMocrat Jaelithe's mother). Please read the lovely essay by Diana Harvestmoon-Stewart about combining motherhood, feminism, and activism.
It may shed new light on the previous Fem2pt0 conversation, which was framed here: "Mommies and Feminists: the Great Divide."
Here's how we've framed the Fem2pt0 chat for this week:
Cynematic says: No matter where we are in our respective life cycles–raising children or choosing to be childfree, a young adult or older woman, mother to boys or girls, caretaker of the generations before you–if you’re a feminist, you’ve probably brought that sensibility with you to your activism.
We want to turn the question on end a little. What are you active in, and how does that inform your feminism? Where are you geographically, so you can connect with others on the chat? What do you need to do your work? How would your work be different if there was a critical mass of feminists there? Or is that already the case?
Let’s move off labels, identities, and the preconceptions that can come attached to those. Let’s find as many different feminisms as we can through the kinds of way it’s practiced.
More food for thought: feminisms in the context of family or community, Naomi Wolf
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