This is G. Gordon Liddy.
Yesterday, G. Gordon Liddy said on his conservative talk radio show that SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor was a member of La Raza, "which means in illegal alien, 'The Race.'"
WOW. There's now a language called "illegal alien."
And then he said:
Now, take a second look at the picture above. Does that look like a man who knows anything about Latinos, women, or Latinas? Female reproductive cycles? Common sense?
Obviously, no.
A few conservative politicians have issued tepid reprimands.
What I want to know is--where are the conservatives who howled that Sarah Palin was being treated in sexist fashion? Where are the conservative women--Republican Latinas, even, if such people exist--who are decrying this ridiculous Neanderthal racism and sexism as something that should crawl back to the stone age where it belongs?
Feel free to leave any examples of right-wing outrage at what Liddy said in the comments. I'm curious to see if there are any.
They don't even have to be wingnuts. They could be members of the media.
For example, if anyone sees Campbell Brown declaring "Free Sonia Sotomayor," like she did for Sarah Palin, please let me know.
So far?
I mostly hear crickets.
Cynematic blogs at P i l l o w b o o k.
Was just clicking over to check out the long list of republicans expressing outrage.
Where is it? Am so confused. I thought surely the Palin fans would be all over this.
Posted by: Mom101 | May 29, 2009 at 06:08 PM
I know, MOM101, those Palin-lovin' ladies seemed so girl-powered. Maybe if we give it a day, there'll be that long list we wondered about.
I'm sure some observant high profile female journalist will step up soon and point out that Sotomayor hasn't even had a chance to make her views known at a senate hearing yet, though. Don't you think?
Posted by: cynematic | May 29, 2009 at 06:31 PM
He is such a raging prick.
I took Campbell Brown's rant, though, to be a bit backhanded - I don't think she meant it as there was anything specifically sexist going on - I rather took it to be calling Palin's own party out on the fact that they were accusing dems and the media of giving her sexist treatment... so "c'mon guys, drop the farce. She doesn't need to be protected, let her talk?"(So we can all see just how much of an idiot she is...)
Liddy's sophomoric mutterings don't even belong in the same arena.
Posted by: CatrinkaS | May 29, 2009 at 07:30 PM
Please, oh please, tell me that picture is photoshopped, that that man did not really choose to wear that. Or if he did, that there's no photo from the back.
How old is Liddy now? Is there any possibility that his offensive and nutty sounding comments are the product of some sort of dementia?
Posted by: Becki | May 29, 2009 at 08:38 PM
@CatrinkaS Understand your point about Campbell Brown & Palin. Palin was being sheltered from the media scrutiny she deserved as a potential VP. But what I took away from Brown's statement was a general message: "She's a big girl, let the chips fall where they may."
And I think the same is true for Sotomayor. I believe she's spectacularly well-qualified and will be confirmed, so I'm not afraid to let the chips fall where they may.
Why some hard-core right-wingers think they have any influence and want to pee in everyone's Cheerios right now is stupid.
But I also think Sotomayor's detractors' comments are so ridiculously sexist and racist, it's time for someone to call out how corporate media--and the male punditocracy--amplifies this totally unconstructive hatefulness.
Why the hell are unapologetic racists like Pat Buchanan and Newt Gingrinch even getting any airtime for their views? In a just world, they'd be drooling in a corner while everyone else rolls their eyes and shamefacedly looks away: "there goes crazy bigot Pat again..."
@Becki: are you implying...oh crap, my mind went there. Thong. Too late.
With Liddy, it may be dementia, but it's a senility that other people are listening to and advertisers are paying for (I assume). Somehow he makes a living at it, I'm guessing. Which is a commentary on his worldview and that of his listeners.
Posted by: cynematic | May 29, 2009 at 09:26 PM
Two words: douche. bag.
More than two words: So so right---where's all the GOP outrage over the treatment of this woman? Actually, where is all the outrage, period (no pun intended)?
Two words: right. here.
Posted by: Julie Pippert | May 30, 2009 at 05:23 AM
There was no Republican outrage when they went after H. Clinton. There will be no Republican outrage because this particular Judge is not crazy, so far to the right nuts, about to fall of the edge, Republican.
Now if you want to talk S.P., well she is so they are.
Posted by: daMamma | May 30, 2009 at 09:06 AM
@daMamma: Gasp! Do you mean, Republicans are hypocrites with no understanding of or commitment to anti-sexism?? /sarcasm
Say it ain't so!
Still, I do wonder if ANY Palin-philes see the contradiction, or if none of them are motivated by principle.
Posted by: cynematic | May 30, 2009 at 09:31 AM
LOL!!! Spot on!!! Tancredo, Liddy, Gingrich, Rove, Beck, Limbaugh are just running the Latino vote to the Democrats. Keep it up, with these SMART GUYS.
Posted by: icebergslim | May 30, 2009 at 09:48 AM
he looks fine, but i think he needs dermatologist to look out his skin.
Posted by: cheap pharmacy online | August 27, 2009 at 11:16 PM