About this video and group: NotUnderTheBus.com is a comprehensive landing place for anyone looking to know the latest news in the health care debate. The coming weeks are going to be crucial for activists to make sure their concerns are heard about this bill as it gets voted on in the Senate and moved back to the House for reconciliation. The restrictions on abortion in the bill are a severe threat to women’s choice.
We will continue to update you on the latest from NotUnderTheBus.com over the next two weeks so you can share with your readers when appropriate. While the short term goal is to keep abortion restrictions out of health care reform, NotUndertheBus.com is a long term project that will be working to move the conversation about health care back to the original problem – the Hyde Amendment.
We’re on Twitter @NotUnderTheBus and Facebook.com/NotUndertheBus. The hashtag we’ve been promoting is #underthebus.
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