In light of our abysmal maternal health statistics -- we're 39th in the world, behind Canada, tiny Malta, Croatia, Serbia, and the United Arab Emirates -- the U.S. needs to make every effort to promote and improve maternal health. Knowing that 1.5 trillion text messages were sent in the U.S. in 2008, several groups have teamed up to create text4baby, a mobile messaging service to promote the health of pregnant women, new moms, and their babies.
Yesterday I attended a briefing sponsored by Women’s Policy, Inc., the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, the Office on Women’s Health, and the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies (HMHB) Coalition to promote this terrific new initiative.
Text4baby is a free service that provides thrice-weekly messages to pregnant women and new moms during the first year of their child’s life. The messages focus on health and safety – everything from where to find tobacco cessation services, to appointment reminders, to breastfeeding education, WIC eligibility, safe sleeping, and child care.
Among HMHB's many partners is the Department of Defense Military Health System (yahoo for not overlooking our military families!) and MTV, which is featuring the service on 16 and Pregnant.
If you want to sign up (FREE!) just text “BABY” to 511411 (“BEBE” for Spanish).
That is very nice service for teen mother, health of child & mom is very important, I really appreciate this.
Posted by: Steve Parker | May 11, 2010 at 04:31 AM
We run a health insurance agency dedicated to helping women and mothers find maternity coverage, and so far this legislation has pushed several carriers in the major medical market to drop maternity coverage in ost states. So our phones have been ringing off the hook, I think something in legislation needs to be done about this, however we have identified a few plans out there that are still writing maternity coverage. If you need assistance in locating them, please contact us.
Posted by: | May 16, 2010 at 08:18 AM