So. By now, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately because I'm inspired by all the positive responses I've heard about and lack of support) we've now all heard about that Terry Jones and his flock of 40 (sometimes fifty, usually thirty) who plan to burn a holy book and wear hateful t-shirts, despite many please to the group to not do this. Sure, it's freedom of speech, but I can exercise mine, too and DISAGREE.
Which I will do, out loud.
After exhausting all potential legal actions in a Twitbate with a philosopher, a bunch of lawyers, and other concerned citizens, I decided well, letting Jones go down like Al Capone for tax evasion (Jones lacks a permit for his event and to burn the Quran, and could be fined) could be fun to watch but doesn't overall send the message I want, which is overall disapproval and disagreement with his actions and message.
So I floated the Twidea to my Tweeps about a petition, and it got unanimous approval.
Therefore...the petition was born.
I wanted to see if I could get your quick help. My petition is on titled "As an American, I Oppose Terry Jones' Quran Burning And Anti-Islam Hate Speech", and I'd love your support. You can sign the petition in less than 30 seconds by clicking here.
I'm not asking for any action. I don't request that we block this man or his freedom of speech. I simply ask that as many of us as possible stand up and express ourselves too, and how we do not think or feel the same way as this guy, or those who support him.
Please sign, spread the word, and express yourself!
Thanks so much for the help!
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