Why is this even being debated? When unemployment is high, Congress has always voted to extend unemployment insurance for those unlucky people who have been laid off.
What's different about this Congress? The numbers of Republicans who I seem to recall campaigned with slogans like "Country First," but are now dragging their feet on a yes vote for the extension of unemployment. Who are these petty, greedy people who are simultaneously holding up other business in Congress for a tax cut that only millionaires will enjoy?
Call them now and give them a piece of your mind: 877-662-2889. Pass unemployment benefit extensions, NOW.
Cynematic blogs at P i l l o w b o o k.
Thank you so much for posting this video. I had not seen it before.
It feels to me like the Republicans are using unemployment as a way to force the Democrats to give tax cuts to the rich. I have been considering what would happen if we all mobilized and did the following:
Step 1 - write or call your senator and ask them to introduce the bill again, and let them know that when the opposition in Congress threatens to Filibuster your community has a plan to protest the filibuster.
Step 2 - Develop a plan. Call or email everyone you know who wants to see unemployment benefits extended and tax cuts only for the middle class and ask them to help you. Tell them there is a plan for protesting the Filibuster and ask them to participate.
Step 3 While the Senate is Filibustering we will be holding protests in our local communities (I would suggest Democratic Headquarters). We ask folks to sign up for 1 hour shifts and during that hour they read a script that goes something like this.
"We ask the Senate to stop the Filibuster and allow unemployment benefits to be extended and tax cuts for the middle class to be passed." "While the Filibuster remains we will be reading the accomplishments of the Obama administration and streaming that video out to You-Tube." Then we read a 1 hour presentation of the Obama accomplishments since 2008. After watching this video I would also recommend we include it in the 1 hour presentation. This process gets repeated every hour until the Senators cave.
I am happy to supply anyone who needs it with a 1 hour script. If you want to do your own thing you may want to go to http://whattheheckhasobamadonesofar.com/ to compile a list of Obama's accomplishments
Step 4 - record this protest. It would be wonderful if the local media covered these protests - but even if they don't we can broadcast this at YouTube. I can post instructions on how to doe this if the idea has support.
Step 5 - suggestions for the tone of the protest, keep it clean, polite, rational and factual. We don't need to yell or make personal attacks against the Republicans, just reading Obama's accomplishments and showing this video should be enough. This protest would serve several functions, it would send a message that we want unemployment benefits and tax cuts for the middle class, it would showcase Obama's accomplishments (which have not been well publicized), and it would make folks think twice before they threaten a filibuster.
Maybe I'm crazy, but here in California we mobilized Democrats to make calls for Boxer and Brown, we should be able to get 24 volunteers a day to show how dangerous the Filibuster rule is in the Senate. I am frustrated that there isn't anything I can do. I will call my representatives but it feels like we need to do more.
Posted by: Linda H | December 04, 2010 at 05:47 PM
A dismay that there is still people in the government that grabs the opportunity to conduct business in the government. There was an argument in the Congress about this act but still solutions are barely there. But, what we can do so solve it? I have to say that this is really an issue to be given attention.
Posted by: CFD strategies | December 14, 2010 at 11:01 PM
Unemployment has been one of the problems our economy is facing. Instead of giving financial benefits to these unemployed, why don't we create jobs so that they can be more productive. I have to say that spoon feeding is not the answer. We have to be more vigilant in creating the best solutions to these problems. Let us not allow greed and hunger for power rule the government.
Posted by: custom web design | December 22, 2010 at 02:12 AM
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Posted by: Testking 642-813 | January 24, 2011 at 01:30 AM