Some fabulous MOMocrat, cough*Glennia*cough, had the fabulous idea to host MOMocrats debate watch parties all over the country for the vice presidential debate between Joe "El Dog" Biden and Sara "Pitbull" Palin. She brilliantly coined a catchy title: "Read My Lipstick: I'm Voting for Obama/Biden" and we were set.
I decided that we needed to have a Read My Lipstick watch party here in Hampton Roads and enlisted the help of my fellow Blue Star Family for Obama members, Vivian and Casey, to co-host. In a few days, we had a location (see picture), a press release, local politicians, banners, signs, stickers, and lots of interest.
Because BSF4O has recently begun live blogging the debates, we decided we had to make that happen despite being in a bar with no wifi. An anonymous donor came to our rescue with a wonderful little wireless router outfitted with a broadband card. Between that, our 80 foot extension cord, my squid, and 4 laptops, we looked like we were ready to host Cheney's next "undisclosed" command and control center.
Setting up before the watch party.
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