I decided to finally sit down and read Elizabeth Edwards' book Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength From Friends and Strangers.
It's really the sub-head of the book title that made me pick this book up because isn't that what we all try to do? I don't know about you, but there are just many times in life when I need a little extra strength or support and I'm trying to learn to take it where I can find it.
Elizabeth writes so gracefully and eloquently about how she has done that in her own life, from the time she was a small girl living in Japan when her father was stationed there in the military to her husband's campaign for the White House with John Kerry to her diagnosis with breast cancer.
Aside from the message of her book that I've taken to heart, her words often made me laugh as I recognized myself, and my friends, in descriptions of herself. It occurred to me that this is the type of "regular" woman we need to have some influence on our country!
So, here is a short list, taken from Elizabeth Edwards' own words, on why I think this down-to-earth mother, wife, daughter, and professional should be the next First Lady of the United States:
1. She likes meatloaf. Elizabeth, I make a darn good meatloaf (just ask my dad -- it's what he always wants me to make if he comes for dinner). So next time you're in town, stop by and I'll throw one in the oven!
2. She's a song geek. One of my favorite things to do if I'm cruising down the highway is to crank the tunes and start singing. Elizabeth has what must be the song compilation of all song compilations -- she's been collecting lyrics for car trips since her children were little. She made copies of her special book for the reporters on the campaign trail when her husband ran for vice-president in 2004 so they'd have something to do on the bus! I'm sure the current crop of reporters covering John Edwards' race this time have become intimately familiar with it!
3. She shops at Target. I have a feeling that wouldn't change if she lived in the White House. After all, you can order online.
4. She buys matching pajamas at Target for herself and her girlfriends.
5. She's just as happy with a burger from Wendy's as she is with fancier food.
6. She likes Lawrence, Kansas. OK, that's one that's probably peculiar to me. But as a grad of the University of Kansas Law School, I had to include it! Rock Chalk, Jayhawk!
7. One of her favorite children's books is Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. (Hmmm, meatloaf, burgers, meatballs -- do I see a theme here?)
8. Most importantly, and more seriously, she has an amazing sense of hope. If I had a fraction of the hope and optimism she does, I'd be a happier person. But on a larger scale, wouldn't it be great to have a little of her brand of infectious optimism in the White House?
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