This guest post was written by longtime MOMocrats reader, occasional MOMocrats tech support provider, and official DADocrat, John. Many MOMocrats readers already know him on Twitter as @trianglman.
The Massachusetts election was, without a doubt, a major disappointment to any progressive who fought for months to get then-Senator Obama elected to the presidency. Even days before the vote, sniping between the Coakley campaign and the national Democratic National Committee over a potential loss was already beginning leak into the press.
What we didn't need then, and really don't need now, is an endless blame game or circular firing squad. What we need is a solid plan to go forward into the mid-term elections later this year and win back the filibuster-proof majority we plainly require to get anything past the obstructionist Republican minority in the Senate.
The first thing we need to do is look at the strength of potential Democratic candidates. Democrats cannot run just on the Democratic name, or on the coattails of President Obama. Mr. Obama didn't win the 2008 election because he was a Democrat; he won because during his campaign he proposed policies that a majority of the American people wanted to see enacted, and explained them in a way the majority of American people could understand. People wanted a jobs stimulus program. People wanted transparency in government. And people still want real health care reform and real accountability for Wall Street firms that will help prevent future economic collapses like the one we are currently struggling to recover from.I believe Attorney General Martha Coakley did support these goals, but if you were an average Massachusetts resident, you probably didn't hear much about what Martha Coakley supported, because she didn't campaign much on the issues. She campaigned on the fact that she is a Democrat just like Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy, and Scott Brown is a Republican like George W. Bush.
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