After reading several of the MOMocrat posts and comments surrounding the Teabagging (giggle), loyal reader and DADocrat, T., asked if he could weigh in. Please be kind to him. This is his first blog post ever.
I like most of the suggestions I have seen on MOMocrats here regarding the "positive side" of why we as U.S. Citizens pay our Federal Taxes. I am, as the MOMocrats will verify, a fiscal conservative, although I am best described as Independent politically.
A couple of points for this tax time musing I would like to make.
First, lets compare apples to apples. There are many different taxes we pay, some pay more, less, or none at all, given the disparities in the various sales, usage, property, personal property, sin, and income taxes across the 50 states. So lets focus on Federal Income Tax.
Yes, it pays for all of the good things that we in this Nation have come to enjoy, in many cases take for granted, or have no idea we are even paying for it. Our leaders, chosen by us, have instituted a relatively progressive system of collecting federal income tax. A system that is, lets all admit, less than perfect given all of the deductions and loopholes that exist, but it is nonetheless what we have to work with.
I am not going to argue that taxes or what they pay for are inherently good, bad or indifferent. I would like to comment on how what we pay affects the overall health and function of our capitalist economy. Yes I said capitalist. Our system of free enterprise is what makes our Nation great, and in the long run pulls us through rough times, and allows us to prosper in good times.
To that end, I would like to point out some middle ground regarding Federal Income Tax, and how its application fluctuates given the economic situation. There are many theories; Keynesian economics, Supply Side economics and even the good old Laffer Curve to help us understand the effects of taxes. But in the end it is all a matter of what rates on which income brackets are best suited to a given economic situation.
Assuming that a 0% tax and a 100% tax would certainly result in the same thing, Zero federal revenue and chaos in the economy, the answer lies somewhere in between. Sometimes the market needs help and sometimes it needs to be left alone. The tricky part, and the part many will never see eye to eye on, is to what degree does the government intervene or not intervene. In this case the intervention stands on how we as a nation decide what our present fiscal policy should be regarding taxation and intervention into free enterprise. I contend that for this precise moment in time our government should run a deficit, should intervene in the market, and should keep "everyone's" taxes on the low end of the spectrum. That is not to say those factors should not change when the economic situation changes. They will always fluctuate, indeed should fluctuate, and the crazies on both ends of the dogmatic/ideological spectrum are just going to have to live with that fact.
What we do not want to occur, and I firmly believe no one blue, red or purple would ever advocate for, is a system of taxation and intervention that results in the old Soviet maxim, "We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us"
T is a dad of two young boys, a fiscal conservative, and he voted for GWB. Twice. Try not to throw rotten tomatoes at him. He's seen the error of his ways. T is not a blogger, but he plays one on TV. We're also pretty sure
that the last line is an attempt to get flamed by liberal whack jobs
who take themselves too seriously and not a reflection of T's actual
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