In the weeks that have passed since Hillary Clinton suspended her presidential campaign, the Democratic line has been all about unity. Clearly, the Barack Obama campaign needs to bring Senator's Clinton's supporters back into the fold. I think that rumors of mass numbers of Clinton supporters who will now support McCain rather than Obama are, frankly, bullshit created by the McCain campaign.
However, the Democrats need all the support they can get during this race. Frankly, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are nearly indistinguishable in their platforms and either of them would be a substantial improvement over the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Neither the Obama nor the Clinton campaign has been blameless in this primary created division, so why not let bygones be bygones and work on what's important: putting a Democrat in the White House. It really shouldn't be a problem.
Or so I thought until yesterday.
During Virginia's convention yesterday, I roamed the coliseum corridors between sessions, checking out the vendors with t-shirts and buttons, and stopping to talk to people who looked interesting. (Incidentally, my favorite was a toss up between two t-shirts. One said "Vote Republican: Eat tainted meat, breathe poison air, drink nasty water, help only yourself." The other read, "Democratic Women are the Life of the Party!")
I happened to see a knot of 10 or so women about my age who were obvious Hillary Clinton supporters. They all had Hillary campaign materials sticking out of their bags and in their arms. I walked up to introduce myself and said, "I've found some of the Hillary supporters!" Their apparent ring leader said, "Yeah, we don't talk to the press," looking pointedly at my press badge. Floored, I explained that I was a blogger for a DEMOCRATIC blog made up of both Clinton and Obama supporters.
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