I'd like to take a brief aside from POTUS politics and look at an issue in California related to families, domestic violence prevention, and social justice. As a recent article in Capitol Weekly put it, the issue is about improving oversight and accountability in the process of how child custody disputes are handled, i.e. some good moms (and dads) are getting screwed by the process, and there's something we can do about it.
Please read the Capitol Weekly article for more details.
Also check out the two YouTube video clips: PART ONE & PART TWO
The audit request is slated to be heard at an early August 2008 JLAC Committee hearing in Sacramento. While Speaker Pro Tem Lieber is busy gathering legislative co-sponsors for their request, they are recruiting as many organizational supporters as they can to generate support. They have been coordinating meetings with the CA Commission on the Status of Women, California NOW, the CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence and the Legislative Women's Caucus, all of whom have helped as they finalize the JLAC request. They still need more support from all organizations committed to racial justice and gender equity; protecting women and children; demanding clean, accountable government; and/or protecting civil and human rights.
(For more information, contact Kathleen Russell Consulting.)
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