When Andrew Breitbart hijacked Rep. Weiner's press conference Monday, he boo-hooed into the microphone for the press contingent about "vindication" and his expectation that apologies should come from Rep. Weiner and just about everyone else on the planet. That unleashed a torrent of abuse from Breitbart's followers toward anyone who had ever spoken the truth about Breitbart: He lies, and lies routinely. Breitbart's message was clear: All shall bow down to the Great and Mighty Breitbart and forget everything that has gone before: Shirley Sherrod, Don Giljum and Judy Ancel, ACORN, Abbie Boudreau , and more. I think not, especially when he follows his pathetic demand for paeans from his detractors with this:
Near the end of the segment, Breitbart was able to push aside his tenderhearted feelings for Weiner in favor of noble feelings for the women he sexted. In fact, Breitbart’s feelings were so noble, he threatened Weiner with blackmail. “I know how politics works,” Breitbart said. “I know how the politics of personal destruction works. I know how the private detectives work. Don’t go after Meagan (presumably Meagan Broussard, the woman interviewed by Hannity). Don’t go after the other girls and I’m paying attention. And that’s all I can say.”
Behold, the conservative Mafia in action. How laughable is it for him to want to 'protect' those innocent women, those poor little girls when he routinely sends messages out to women he does not know like this one? I intentionally do not use my last name when I blog because my family does not deserve harassment for my politics. Or perhaps this one, where he identifies the location of my former office in public? The conservative Mafia doesn't start or end with their thuggish little floods of my Twitter stream. I'm a blip. But now he's brutalizing Joan Walsh, who dared to write this:
I've heard that Andrew Breitbart mentioned me when he took over Weiner's press conference today. But Weiner's confession doesn't change anything I wrote here: I always acknowledged Weiner could be lying about the story, but when the tweet's intended recipient denied having any kind of sexual relationship with him, I believed her, and I said so (I did this on Twitter, by the way). Despite what Breitbart claims, I never accused him or his journalistic empire of "hacking," fabricating the Tweet, or naming the woman in question. You can read my Twitter stream here.
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