When Matt Lockshin of the California Democratic Party told the MOMocrats that we were welcome to bring our children with us while blogging our state convention, I had mixed feelings… because I knew that once I got here, I would spend more time being a mom than writing about politics.
I decided that the benefits of bringing my 12-year-old outweighed the hassles. She was already going to have memories of this historic Presidential election, and having the opportunity to witness a small part of history in the making will ensure that her memories will be special.
So yesterday morning, while a slate of rising stars and political legends like Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, , Judy Chu and Willie Brown were bringing the state Democrats to their feet, we were elsewhere: in the Marriott lobby, (where we had easy Internet access which allowed her to finish a school project) …
out in the hall (where the people hawking buttons and stickers were of a lot more interesting… prompting my kid to collect and wear as many as could fit on her jacket )...
and exploring the city of San Jose.
We got to see a part of the convention experience we never would have --- if we’d stayed in the ballroom, listening to speeches:
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